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Regional Housing Inspectorate (DIRL)

The Regional Housing Inspectorate (Direction de l'Inspection Régionale du Logement, DIRL - Directie Gewestelijke Huisvestingsinspectie) guarantees the right to decent housing for all tenants in the Brussels-Capital Region. It checks housing compliance, combats discrimination and awards the student housing label.

Housing compliance checks

The DIRL checks that rental properties or those destined for rental comply with the mandatory safety, health and equipment standards.


The DIRL investigates complaints lodged by tenants, municipalities, Public Centres for Social Welfare (PCSW) and other legally designated housing stakeholders. It can also act on its own initiative and based on warnings of non-compliance issued by the Rent Allowances and Unoccupied Homes Department (DALLI).

Conformity check attestation

The DIRL issues a conformity check attestation at the request of the landlord when the latter has carried out the necessary work in a dwelling that cannot be rented out because it did not meet basic safety, health and equipment standards. The application systematically leads to an investigation.
This document must be obtained before re-letting, otherwise there may be a fine.

Combating discrimination in housing

Once the discrimination complaint or report has been received by the DIRL, the case is reviewed to determine if the reported facts are likely to constitute a housing discrimination offence.

The DIRL may conduct a discrimination test if the legal conditions have been met and if this is necessary to establish the existence of the offence.

Granting of the quality student housing label

The DIRL awards the "quality student accommodation" label. To this end, it receives and processes label applications submitted on a special form.


The landlord or tenant may appeal against final technical decisions and fine decisions taken by the DIRL to the Delegated Official:

Brussels Regional Public Service
Delegated official
Brussels Housing
Housing Legal Affairs Department
Place Saint-Lazare 2
1035 Brussels

Activity reports

Annual activity reports are available on the Documentation page of Brussels Housing.


Brussels Housing Code

Implementing orders

Minimum requirements:

Fire detection:

DIRL procedures and Regional Solidarity Fund:

Ministerial Decree

Minimum requirements (evaluation grid):


Brussels Housing Code

Implementing order


Brussels Housing Code

Implementing order