Project calls for
Is your organization promoting equal opportunities in Brussels? Apply for funding from! Check our calls for projects and submit your request.
Calls for projects and grants: support for initiatives with a positive impact
We grant subsidies to associations that initiate projects to promote equal opportunities in the Brussels-Capital Region. And this, within the framework of regional competences and regardless of the subject matter. also supports and promotes projects carried out in partnership with various actors, particularly in the context of developing an intersectional perspective and mutual enrichment through the specialisation of the various partners.
Within this framework, we organise yearly project calls to support projects that have a positive impact on the equal opportunities of all those who live and work in the Brussels Region.
- Gender: Defend respect for and equality between men, women and persons of different gender identity or expression.
- Gender-based violence : Avoid and combat intrafamily, sexual and any other form of gender-based violence.
- LGBTQIA+ : support inclusion regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression or intersex variations.
- Racism and diversity : fight all forms of racism based on perceived race, nationality, colour, origin and national or ethnic origin. Defend ethnic and cultural diversity.
- Disability: encourage self-determination, equal treatment and autonomous participation in social life. Regardless of physical, mental, psychological, social or any disability.
- Origin and social situation: e.g. support for single-parent families and senior citizens.
Support for innovative projects
A new framework has been established for 2023, allowing associations to receive subsidies in a more structured manner, particularly by submitting applications for a duration of three years (renewable for one year, up to a maximum of two times), depending on the available regional budgets.
Three new subsidy categories have been defined:
- Support for innovative projects
- Support for recurrent or permanent projects
- Structural support for representative collectives (at least three associations, information will follow in April 2023)
Terms and conditions financial support
Terms and conditions financial support is a regional authority and can only support projects that fall under regional competencies: town and country planning; housing; environment, water policy and nature protection; economy and employment policy; transport and mobility: public works; energy policy; animal welfare; prevention and safety; scientific research.
If your project does not fall under any of these competencies, you may be able to turn to other authorities. After all, in Belgium, all authorities are competent to pursue an equal opportunities policy.
Grants through the Brussels Regional Public Service is part of the Brussels Regional Public Service, composed of the following administrations. Also discover their equal opportunities project calls:
Subsidies granted by other governments in Belgium
Other possible subsidies also exist in federal, regional, local and community or provincial governments.
- Federal: Opens in new
- Flemish Government: Opens in new windowEqual opportunities in Flanders
- Walloon Region: Opens in new windowEgalité des chances | Portail de l'Action sociale Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
- Duitstalige Community: External linkOstbelgien Live - Home
- Province: Make enquiries with your province
- Municipality: Enquire with your municipality.
Every year, the Opens in new windowCity of Brussels grants subsidies to associations active in the field of equal opportunities.
In the list below, find out which associations in Belgium received grants to support their equal opportunities initiatives in 2022.
Equal opportunity grants awarded in 2022
Find inspiration in the Brussels action plans
All these subsidies are intended for associations with a project related to equal opportunities in the Brussels-Capital Region, within the framework of regional competencies, regardless of the theme, including racism and diversity, gender equality, origin and social situation, including single parenthood, disability, gender-related violence, and LGBTQIA+.
For more information on the various themes, we highly recommend reading the relevant Brussels action plans (in French).
- Opens in new windowA regional plan to combat racism 2023-2026
- Opens in new windowBrussels Gender Mainstreaming and Equality Plan 2022-2025
- Opens in new windowBrussels plan to support single-parent families 2021-2025
- Opens in new windowBrussels plan for integrating handi-streaming into public policy 2022-2025
- External linkBrussels plan to combat violence against women 2020-2024
- Opens in new windowBrussels Plan for the Inclusion of LGBTQIA+ Persons 2022-2025
New Subsidy Guide and Forms
The Subsidy Guide 2023 contains a complete description of the conditions, eligible expenses, and evaluation criteria. Please note that this guide has been updated compared to the previous year. Therefore, use the new version and the new forms from now on.
For more External linkinformation about the grants and how to apply for them, you can find it in the presentation from an information session in March 2023.