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Structural Grants 2023 _

The aim of structural grants is to support a limited number of collective structures in Brussels by offering them more sustainable and stable funding. These structures coordinate with each other for increased effectiveness and to realize their contribution to regional government policies.


Furthermore, grant applications must pertain to projects falling under one or more of the following 4 objectives:

  1. The execution of studies on equal opportunities. For example: conducting a study related to regional competencies, such as discrimination in the labor market, ...
  2. Providing a structure for sharing spaces and/or facilitating exchanges among equal opportunity stakeholders. For example: an association house where organizations can carry out their activities, coordinate workshops, organize conferences, and establish discussion groups (e.g., regarding access to the job market and housing market), ...
  3. Offering concrete and sustainable services to promote equal opportunities. Welcoming services, support and informational services (website, library, shared database, ...), a supporting service for government decision-making (accessibility of buildings, exploratory tours, ...)
  4. Organizing sustainable or recurring information and awareness activities concerning equal opportunities. The organization of events, campaigns related to regional competencies, ...


Encouraging partnerships, supporting emerging initiatives, and sharing expertise among associations are at the core of this project call. Consequently, collective structures can only submit applications if they meet the following conditions:

The collective comprises at least 3 associations, including a 'junior member' (up to 5 years old) and a 'senior member' (at least 8 years old). The associations within the collective must demonstrate activities promoting equal opportunities in the Brussels-Capital Region across one or more of the following 6 themes:

  • Racism and diversity
  • Gender equality
  • Social origin and social situation, including single parenthood
  • Disability
  • Gender-related violence

Calendar and downloads

Calendar 2023

The grant applications must be submitted to according to the timetable below.

Please note that collectives may propose and defend their eligible selection dossier at a physical meeting. At least one person must be present for each collective.

Call for Structural Grants 2023

  • Commencement: April 15, 2023 
  • Deadline: June 30, 2023 
  • Project Defense: September 14-15, 2023 
  • Project Commencement: December 1, 2023


The Structural Subsidy Guide outlines the expenses that qualify for this project call. The minimum amount for eligible expenses is €100 per supporting document.

For each selected collective, an annual amount ranging from a minimum of €50,000 to a maximum of €100,000 will be awarded, provided that funds are still available.

The subsidies are granted for a period of 3 years (initially for one year and potentially renewable for a maximum of two additional years), subject to the availability of funds.

Subsidy Guide and Application Forms 2023

Download Subsidy Guide_Structural Grants 2023