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Alternating education

Young people aged 15 to 25 who follow vocational training can combine part-time courses and a work placement linked to an ‘apprenticeship contract’.

In practice

The student agrees a training plan with an accredited training centre in a specific sector, which is responsible for the student’s classroom education and supervision. The student is in the classroom about one day a week; the rest of the time is spent at a business to learn on the job with guidance.

The student is generally paid for the work done. The training centre is the coordinating body in the process, at the end of which the student is awarded a certificate.

The procedures and conditions vary depending on the Community. For more detailed information, visit the following sites:

For French speakers

Alternating education is organised by the Centres d'éducation et de formation en alternance 
Opens in new windowCEFA (education and alternating education centres) (FR) and by the Opens in new windowefp (training centre for SMEs (FR) in Brussels.

For Dutch speakers

To find out more about apprenticeships, visit Opens in new (NL), which is developed by Syntra.
Rue de Stalle 292, 1180 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 331 68 01
Online: Opens in new (NL)