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Bruxelles Numérique (Digital Brussel): the role of

"Bruxelles Numérique", a regulation that came into effect on March 2, 2024, meets the users' desire to carry out their administrative procedures online, 24/7, while still having the option to contact the administration through all 'traditional' communication channels (phone, mail, email, counter). plays a key role in the implementation of this regulation.

Check out our complete guide offers you a comprehensive guide that summarizes:

  • the content of the Bruxelles Numérique regulation,
  • the impacts on administrations and users,
  • the deadlines,
  • the procedures to follow,
  • the points of contact.

Guide Bruxelles Numérique (french version)

What's the role of

The agency is mandated to:

  • provide opinions on regulatory projects that establish, modify, or repeal an administrative procedure, as well as on existing regulations and administrative procedures;
  • receive reports from users.

You will find more information on the pages below:

  • Les décret et ordonnance conjoints « Bruxelles Numérique » imposent aux autorités publiques bruxelloises de solliciter...

Any question?

We have collected the most frequently asked questions from our information sessions about Bruxelles Numérique.

If you do not find an answer to your question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

FAQ Bruxelles Numérique (french version)

For more informations