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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage


Your go-to resource for healthcare in Brussels. Find hospitals, clinics, emergency services, and health tips for residents and visitors alike.

  • The Brussels-Capital Region has a large hospital infrastructure, with high-quality care for patients in general...

  • The birth of a child and its continued good health as it grows up demand special care. The main organisations there to...

  • Various types of care and structures are available to people who require assistance or support for psychiatric reasons...

  • Paramedical care (nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy) and medical care (dentistry,...

  • Remote care and remote alarming enable senior citizens and people suffering from illness to retain their independence...

  • The purpose of palliative care is to ensure the best quality of life for people with a terminal illness. Hospital and...

Health scorecard for the Brussels-Capital Region

The Brussels-Capital Health and Social Observatory has published a "External linkHealth scorecard for the Brussels-Capital Region (FR/NL)" .