Digital inclusion in the Brussels-Capital Region
Are you looking for a place to connect to the Internet? You don't know where to buy a cheap PC? Would you like to learn how to use a computer, how to search the Internet? Do you want to know more about the social tariff or online administrative procedures? You are on the right page!
Digital tools can enpower you in your everyday life and, in the Brussels-Capital Region, we endeavour to keep these tools inclusive.
Where can I browse the internet for free and who can help me with IT?
Most Digital Public Spaces offer access to a computer, to the Internet, and to support and training.
Many libraries also offer this access, and a free public network has been installed in Brussels: More information on Opens in new windowthis page.
Digital Public Spaces
A Digital Public Space (DPS) is a public access space that makes digital technology available to the whole population. A DPS provides equipment (computers, ID card readers, etc.), supports the population in their use of digital technology and offers IT training either free of charge or for a nominal fee.
What do DPSs offer?
In most Digital Public Spaces, you can enjoy:
- access, free or for a nominal cost, to computer equipment and an internet connection;
- a basic introduction to IT: how to use the mouse and the keyboard, use of a smartphone and tablet, etc.
- basic to advanced training: basic use of digital tools in general, and sometimes learning how to use very specific software such as video editing, photo editing, website creation, etc. The basic training is common to all DPSs;
- global digital support: help with internet searches (housing, travel, job-search sites, etc.), drafting and formatting of a CV, drafting and/or correction of letters, etc.;
- digital support for the different online administrative processes (public or private).
The DPSs in your municipality
You can also find a list of all active DPSs in the Brussels-Capital Region on the CABAN website, the Collective of Brussels Actors for Digital Accessibility: Opens in new
Please find the list of all support structures by municipality in the flyers below:
Brochures by language (by municipality or zone in each PDF)
Certified DPSs
The Brussels-Capital Region has put in place a 'DPS recognized by the Brussels-Capital Region' label in 2019. This label is a guarantee of the quality and recognition of a DPS that meets certain criteria: public accessibility, number of hours open, number of training hours, presence of a qualified trainer, and adequate equipment. Here you can find Opens in new windowthe list of certified DPSs.

Other digital inclusion structures and resources
Other support structures and training courses are also available to assist you.
Do you need help with digital technologies? Refer to our digital inclusion phonebook to find support in your area.
Digital Inclusion Directory (FR)
DPS or regional offices
- Opens in new windowDPS of Bruxelles-Formation
- Opens in new windowBrussels Fiscality counter
- Opens in new windowDPS in the Cité des Métiers
- Mapping of the social stakeholders produced by CABAN
- Social map by Opens in new windowBruxelles-Social (External linkmanuals)
Training platforms
Where can I find computer equipment?
Do you not have a computer at home? Do you tend to use computers in public spaces (libraries, Digital Public Spaces, etc.)?
The digipunten in Brussels allow the rental of computer equipment. Opens in new windowMore information on the digipunten.
If you have a disability and need adapted IT equipment, please contact the non-profit organisation Solival, which has set up a technological aid project called "Opens in new windowCyberVal".
Am I entitled to the social internet offer?
The rules regarding the social tariff have changed since march 1st, 2024. A "social internet offer" can now be asked for when registering with an operator for home internet.
This offer guarantees speeds of at least 30Mbps and at least 150 Go of data for 19€/month, with possible pricing increases up to 40€ for packaged offers (ie internet + TV, phone,...).
For more information (including on eligibility), you can:
- Visit Opens in new windowthe IBPT's page on the social tariff
- Call 02/226 89 51, monday to friday, from 9am to 12pm.
- Contact IBPT directly at Opens in new
How can I carry out my administrative processes?
You can complete almost all your administrative processes online, at home.
If you don't have a computer or are experiencing difficulties using one, please visit the section "1. Opens in new windowDigital Public Spaces".
How to connect
There are several ways to connect to online services:
- Via your electronic identity card
- via itsme
- via Opens in new windowToken
For step-by-step instructions on these 3 methods of online authentication, see the manual hereafter (FR):
List of Digital public services for requesting official documents
Opens in new windowIRISbox, an e-office where you can request government documents or carry out another action at a regional or municipal institution (such as a change of address, family composition, parking card …)
- Opens in new windowStart with IRISbox
- Opens in new windowApply for an energy bonus on IRISbox
- Opens in new windowRequest your birth certificate with IRISbox
- Helpdesk IRISline: +32 (0)2 801 00 00 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm)
email: Opens in new
Manual IRISbox & Bruxell'Air (FR)
Opens in new windowMyBenefits, an app where you can manage your social benefits (gas, electricity, water …)
Opens in new windowMy Actiris one-stop shop where you can search for a job
- Opens in new windowInformation
- Contact Centre 0800 35 123 (Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4:30pm)
Manual My Actiris (FR)
Opens in new windowBrussels Fiscality - MyTax where you can view your property tax, traffic tax, etc.
- Helpdesk +32 (0)2 801 00 00 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm)
Manual My Tax (FR)
Opens in new window e-box, for your official emails
- Contact +32 (0)2 740 74 74 (Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm)
Manual My e-box (NL)
External linkMijn Dossier / Opens in new windowMon Dossier where you can view your personal National Register file
- Helpdesk Belpic +32 (0)2 518 21 16
email: Opens in new
Manual My Dossier (FR)
Opens in new windowMyhealth, the central access point for various personal data about your health and information about health in general
- Opens in new window Instructional Videos
- Helpdesk +32 (0)2 788 51 55 (Monday to Friday from 7am to 8pm)
Opens in new windowBrusselsHealthNetwork, the portal to view which documents about your are being shared across health networks and allows you to manage this information flow
- Opens in new windowInformation
- Contact +32 (0)2 513 01 68
Manual MyHealth & BrusselsHealthNetwork (FR)
Digital Inclusion Coordination and the Digital Appropriation Plan
This page was created in the context of the Opens in new windowDigital Inclusion Plan 2021-2024 (DAP). This Plan was drafted by the Digital Inclusion Coordination (DIC) within Paradigm, in collaboration with the members of the Digital Inclusion Working Group and in cooperation with the stakeholders on the ground.
Through this plan, the Brussels-Capital Region acknowledges the urgent need to take concrete measures to enhance the digital skills of the people of Brussels.
Any questions? Any comments? Contact the Digital Inclusion Coordination within Paradigm.
- By email via Opens in new
- By post, to the Digital Inclusion Coordination, at the following address: Place Saint Lazare 2, 1210 Brussels.
Paradigm's newsletter on digital inclusion