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The 2021-2024 Digital Appropriation Plan

The Digital Appropriation Plan (DAP), approved in 2021, enhances digital skills in Brussels through 4 areas, 17 projects, and 66 actions.

The DAP's actions aim to support and help all the inhabitants of Brussels. However, Opens in new windowthe studies that preceded the drafting of this document proved that it was essential to focus on six specific audiences. This is why a number of actions are geared towards job-seekers, young people, senior citizens, people with disabilities, people in precarious situations and women.

In addition to the DAP, the DIC has also implemented specific initiatives, in response to the development of the Digital Inclusion Unit, the demands of the sector and especially the needs of the people of Brussels.

Raising awareness and destigmatising

IT tools still intimidate too many people, who think that they are unable to cope with the digitisation of services. The objective of this axis is to inform the public of the services available to support them (e.g. DPSs) and to destigmatise the digital environment in order to encourage them to get to grips with IT tools.

More information in the 2021 Annual Report (External linkFR/External linkNL) and the 2022 Annual Report (FR/NL)

Raising public awareness

The communication plan of the Digital Appropriation Plan 2021-2024 comprises several components in order to raise public awareness of the digital divide and to inform the various target audiences about the actions being carried out in the Region for Brussels residents.

For example: the production of External linkpersonalised brochures for each municipality  detailing the services available to the population to help them in their day-to-day digital procedures; a Opens in new windowposter campaign in bus, tram and metro stations; participation in events (Opens in new windowDigital WeekOpens in new windowDigital Spring, workshops for young people in schools); the creation of a page dedicated to digital inclusion Opens in new on the regional portal.

Awareness of the administration

Easy.Opens in new windowbrussels, the agency for administrative simplification, in collaboration with the Digital Inclusion Coordination, aims to carry out several actions Opens in new windowfor the benefit of municipal and regional civil servants. These actions aim to make them aware of the digital divide, equip them and train them in digital public services and thus enable them to more quickly detect citizens at risk and provide them with the appropriate assistance.

Certification for Public Digital Spaces recognised by the Brussels-Capital Region

Since 2019, DPSs have been able to apply for the "Digital Public Space recognised by the Brussels-Capital Region" certification (developed by the Digital Inclusion WG) if they meet the Opens in new windowcertification criteria and comply with the DPS Charter. The certification is validated by the Digital Inclusion Steering Committee.
To date, 22 DPSs are certified by the Brussels-Capital Region; the list and the distribution by municipality are as follows:

City of Brussels

DPS of the ARC (Action and Cultural Research)
Rue de l'Association 20, B-1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0)2 221 11 79
Opens in new windowWebsite

DPS of the Riches Claires Library
Rue des Riches Claires 24, B-1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 548 26 10
Opens in new windowWebsite

DPS – Bravvo Rue de la Caserne 37 B-1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0)2 279 65 85
External linkWebsite

Mobile Digital Public Space (MDPS)
Rue du Gouvernement Provisoire 34A, B-1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0)2 425 65 85
Opens in new windowWebsite

Laeken Library DPS  
Boulevard Emile Bockstael 246, B-1020 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 279 37 86
Opens in new windowWebsite


Wijkpartenariaat - De Schakel  
Rue Dupont 58 (2nd floor), B-1030 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 219 00 64
Opens in new windowWebsite

Rue de Jérusalem 46, B-1030 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 247 77 20
Opens in new windowWebsite

DPS CybeRogier
Avenue Rogier 22, B-1030 Schaerbeek
Tel: +32 (0)492 19 35 05
Opens in new windowMore information


French-speaking municipal library of Ixelles  
Rue Mercelis 19, B-1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 515 64 40
Opens in new windowWebsite


Atelier du Web - St Gilles DPS  
Rue du Fort, 37, B-1060 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 537 02 68
Opens in new windowWebsite


Open Atelier 110  
Rue Georges Moreau 110, B-1070 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 555 09 90
Opens in new windowWebsite

Scheut DPS  
Rue Léopold De Swaef 10 B, B-1070 Brussels
Opens in new windowMore information

DPS des Goujons  
Rue des Goujons 104, B-1070 Brussels
Opens in new windowMore information

Névé AnderTech
Square Albert 1er, 7, B-1070 Anderlecht
Tel: +32 (0)471 76 16 98
Opens in new windowMore information


Open Atelier 110  
Rue Mommaerts 4, B-1080 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 555 09 90
Opens in new windowWebsite

Study Kids Support Asbl (SKS)  
Rue Vanderdussen 80, B-1080 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)475 95 85 31
External linkWebsite


Koekeltech - Koekelberg DPS  
Rue de l'Eglise Saint-Anne 63, B-1081 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 410 46 57
Opens in new windowWebsite

Ganshoren DPS  
Avenue de la Réforme 66, B-1083 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 428 62 60
Opens in new windowWebsite


Place Cardinal Mercier 10, B-1090 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0) 426 05 05
Opens in new windowWebsite

Evere Cultural Centre - l'Entrela  
Rue de Paris 43, B-1140 Brussels
Avenue Platon 21, B-1140 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 241 15 83
Opens in new windowWebsite


FQS (Forest-Quartier-Santé)
Digital Public Space  
Rue Berthelot 163, B-1190 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 340 26 00
Opens in new windowWebsite


Uccle DPS  
Chaussée d'Alsemberg 1011, B-1180 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 563 21 89
Opens in new windowMore information

DPS du Phare
Chaussée de Waterloo, 935, B-1180 Uccle
Tel: +32 (0)2 605 14 80


Wolu Cyber Cité - Cyber de Wolubilis  
Rue Lola Bobesco 11, B-1200 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 761 60 18
Opens in new windowWebsite


Sapiens DPS  
Rue du Mérinos 1b, B-1210 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 218 44 47
External linkMore information


DPS of Watermael-Boitsfort
Place Andrée Pafa-Fosséprez 11, B-1170 Watermael-Boitsfort
Tel: +32 (0)2 674 74 70
Opens in new windowMore information

The Digital Inclusion Coordination is in charge of increasing the visibility of certified DPSs and their actions through communication campaigns (such as the 2021 campaign "Now he/she knows!") and communication kits. To improve this visibility, the DIC has also asked WeTechCare to conduct an analysis of visitor attraction (Opens in new windowFR/External linkNL), the results of which will be introduced throughout the implementation of the Plan via publications, recommendations, communication actions, etc.


Many actions are undertaken by different stakeholders but other levels also play a significant role. The objective of this axis is to unite these actions and to pool efforts in order to meet a common objective: the appropriation of digital technology by all citizens. It is also essential to objectify the data to be able to quantify the progress made.

More information in the 2021 Annual Report (External linkFR/External linkNL) and the 2022 Annual Report (FR/NL).


The objective of this pillar is to ensure that users that have low digital literacy are taken into consideration in the development of digital public services.

The "Digital Brussels" ordinance project (External linkFR/External linkNL), set up by, aims to digitalise administrative services ("digital by default") and to train and support the inhabitants of Brussels in these procedures while keeping an alternative for people who have dropped out.

To develop inclusive recommendations and a technical package for IT developers, the Digital Inclusion Coordination and External linkCAWaB worked on inclusive recommendations and a technical package based on a test of two digitised public services.


The Digital Inclusion Coordination is currently composed of three people:

  • the Digital Inclusion Coordinator: Tania Maamary
  • a Digital Inclusion Officer: Narjiss Rachiq
  • a Digital Inclusion Officer: Hugues Marchal

Ensuring coordination at a regional level allows an overall view of the actions carried out and ensure synchronicity with actions undertaken at other levels (local, regional, federal and European). To do this, the Coordination has developed a file for managing deliverables and the budget. This file has been approved by the COPIL and the implementation is regularly presented to the WG members.

The Digital Inclusion Coordination mobilises the stakeholders of digital appropriation, be they public, private or associative, to include them in the actions and in the Working Groups, with the aim of increasing collaboration between participants. This is how the DIC was able to create a broad ecosystem of digital inclusion stakeholders. The Digital Inclusion Coordination has thus, over time, become the single point of contact for digital inclusion stakeholders.

The Coordination regularly takes part in a number of events to exchange information on the various activities carried out in the Region and increase the visibility of the Digital Appropriation Plan: 

  • TheExternal link e-inclusion taskforce created by Mediawijs in Flanders. The involvement of the Digital Inclusion Coordination in this taskforce enables it to position the Region as a pivot and link between the north and the south of the country.
  • A number of meetings have been held between External linkDigital Wallonia, the Digital Agency and DIC to establish potential partnerships and collaborations and to create synergies between the regional digital inclusion plans.
  • On several occasions, the DIC has met with BOSA, the administration and the federal authorities in charge of the digital transition, for the digital helpers project or during the e-skills Council, which aims to define Belgium's Smart strategy.
  • DIC creates partnerships with the private sector by participating in External linkthe DigitALL ecosystem coordinated by BNP Paribas Fortis and Proximus.
  • The Digital Inclusion Coordinator has officially joined the Digital Inclusion Support Committee organised by the King Baudouin Foundation and participates in the various meetings as an expert.
  • The DIC is involved in External linkDigiSkills Belgium, the ecosystem of initiatives that aims to increase the digital skills of Belgian citizens and organisations.
  • The DIC is also part of External linkthe European MEDICI programme. It was invited to share its good practices on their platform.

Studies and barometers

The Digital Inclusion Coordination regularly conducts studies to define the audiences. These studies allow the DIC to continue to make recommendations to the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region on the actions to be taken in the future to help people who are removed from the digital world.

Knowledge of the digital divide also comes from studies conducted by the Brussels academic world (including Perrine Brotcorne, Researcher at CIRTES and Assistant at the FOPES, Catholic University of Louvain, via the analysis of the digital divide in the Brussels-Capital Region), the private sector (notably the King Baudouin Foundation and its Barometer of Digital Inclusion in Belgium) and the Region's partners (IBSA, with statistics on "Brussels residents and their use of ICT"). These studies, when combined, provide an overall view of the situation in the Brussels Region. 

Additional studies of this type will be conducted during the legislature to continue to identify and assess people in the digital divide, their needs and their digital skills.


Equipping DPSs goes through different phases: the materialisation of DPSs (adapted equipment), the sharing of didactic tools and the provision of online training platforms, the continuous training of multimedia facilitators, the mobilisation of the necessary funding for the proper development of activities and the supervision of the profession.


DPSs that have been certified as DPSs recognised by the Region enjoy certain benefits, including the provision of equipment by Paradigm:

  • small equipment depending on available stock: about ten e-ID card readers, communication material with the logo of the certified DPSs: pens, notepads, headphones, multicables, etc.; 
  • sanitary equipment depending on available stock: masks and hand gels to comply with the sanitary measures;
  • IT equipment: any certified DPS also receives €10,000 worth of IT equipment. A list of the equipment that can be ordered is provided to the DPS after its certification. This is mainly mobile computer equipment (laptops, Chromebooks, tablets), educational equipment (touch screens, projectors), office equipment (printers, scanners) and equipment for increasing accessibility for certain audiences (ergonomic mouse, Braille keyboard, etc.).

For more information on the materialisation of DPSs, funding and supervision, please consult the Roadmap for the Creation of a DPS. The Digital Inclusion Coordination is at your disposal to answer your questions.

Training and tool sharing

In 2021, the DIC, CABAN and collaborated with WeTechCare to offer a series of training sessions on the 123 digit platform to multimedia leaders and municipal agents. In addition, the DIC and organise annual training sessions on digital public services. Manuals have been produced in this respect.

The aim of these training sessions is to give multimedia leaders and social stakeholders the tools to allow them to train, inform and support their public in the use of these digital tools.


The DIC is constantly looking for funding that can benefit the field stakeholders and sustain their projects. A funding register, submitted in March 2021, gave the DIC a clear view of the sources of funding for both independent and municipal DPSs and their needs.

Supervision of the profession of mediator

The DIC collaborates on several projects to professionalise the jobs related to digital inclusion. 

  • At the federal level, the BOSA has embarked on the development of a digital public writer certification training pathway. 
  • The DIC is also involved in the consortium for the validation of digital helper skills.

In parallel, the DIC launched a study on the status of multimedia leaders, the definition of their tasks and the development of a code of ethics. 


In Belgium, almost 10% of people aged 16 to 74 have never used the Internet. For 39% of the population, basic digital skills are either non-existent or low. This phenomenon particularly affects people with low levels of education and modest incomes, as well as the elderly. Women are also very affected by the digital divide. In general, 60% of Belgians would like to take a training course on the Internet and computers so they can keep up to speed.

Supporting citizens' digital appropriation affects all citizens, but in particular job seekers, young people, senior citizens, people with disabilities, people in precarious situations and women. It is important to keep in mind that some categories may combine several vulnerability criteria. 

Various actions are carried out to support these target audiences, such as the purchase or distribution of computer equipment, calls for projects, publications (guide, etc.) and also:

  • External linkThe "Digital Brussels" call for projects: the call for projects focused on raising awareness of the digital appropriation of people removed from digital technology. 30 projects have been granted between €5,000 and €15,000, for a total amount of €390,000.
  • The digital inclusion directory: listings, created since 2019, with the aim of directing the inhabitants of Brussels to Digital Inclusion stakeholders, will be grouped together in a directory distributed in the municipalities, PCSW, Actiris antennas and Brussels non-profit organisations in 2022. 

Job seekers

Many COPIL and WG stakeholders, such as Actiris, Bruxelles-Formation and DigitalCity, are working on digital support for job seekers. 

Young people

Apart from the distribution of computer equipment in Brussels secondary schools, Paradigm and the DIC are working on different projects to help young people who are removed from the digital world. More information in the 2021 Annual Report. 

Senior citizens

The DIC works with non-profit organisations, the private sector and regional organisations (IrisCare) to encourage and support senior citizens in their digital activities.

Through the materialisation of certified DPSs and the supply of mobile equipment, the Region encourages DPSs to develop actions outside their premises, whether in schools, homes or directly in the homes of inhabitants.

Persons with disabilities

The Digital Inclusion Coordination has been involved in the creation (still in progress) of the External linkHandistreaming Plan of the Brussels-Capital Region. It also partnered with Passwerk (External linkFR/External linkNL) internally and conducted a mission within Paradigm, in particular with the IRISbox tester team.

In collaboration with CAWaB, the Digital Inclusion Coordination also published this year the "Inclusive Recommendations for the Brussels-Capital Region"(External linkFR/External linkNL). These recommendations aim to describe good practices in terms of digital accessibility on websites, in order to guarantee access to essential services for citizens with disabilities

People in a precarious situation

The Digital Inclusion Coordination was involved in creating the regional plan dedicated to support for single-parent families by proposing a series of actions to be put in place, in line with the DAP.


The Digital Inclusion Coordination is part of the regional Women In Tech ecosystem and the External linkWomen In Digital 2021-2026 strategy at the federal level. It takes part in a large number of workshops with the aim of raising the awareness of girls and women to IT in general and making women aware of IT professions. 

In 2021, DIC, in collaboration with Women In Tech and Innoviris, co-funded the documentary External link"Casser les Codes" which aimed to promote women in IT.