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Report an accident in the region

As a pedestrian, cyclist or driver of a motorized vehicle, you are a user of a regional road in Brussels. What should you do in the event of an accident caused by a breakdown of the road, works or a part of the public domain (tree, lantern, pole)?

Depending on the case, Brussels roads fall under the jurisdiction of the Brussels Region or of the municipality in which they are located. The regulations below relate only to accidents on a regional road. For municipal roads, contact the corresponding municipal administration. If in doubt, you can always contact the free number 0800 94 001.

As a user of a regional road, are you involved in an accident as a result of a road defect, work or part of the public domain (tree, lantern, pole)? If so, you must take these steps:

  • Notify the police at the time of the accident and, if necessary, alert other users to the danger.
  • If possible, take pictures of the location, the accident and the damage caused. Ask any witnesses to wait for the police to arrive at the scene or ask them to give their contact information and possibly make a statement.
  • File a statement (report of complaint) with the police (at the scene if you called them or at a commissary, preferably as close as possible to the scene of the accident) about the damage caused by the Region.
  • Send a copy of the criminal file to the Brussels Mobility regional authorities as soon as possible.
  • Report the claim to the Brussels Regional Public Service (acting as its own insurer) or through your insurance company. Use the provided declaration form for this purpose.

Claim form

Some of the documents are not available in this language. You can find them below in the available languages.
  • Send the claim notification form to the following address:
    Brussels Regional Public Service
    Brussels Mobility
    Directorate of Administrative Support - Legislation and Disputes Unit
    Iris Tower
    Place Saint-Lazare, 2, 1035 Brussels.
  • Also submit the necessary supporting documents: cost estimate, expert report, invoices, registration certificate and/or proof of technical inspection for motorized vehicles, as well as documents required to manage the file. On this basis, Brussels Mobility can open a file, conduct the investigation and issue a ruling on the possible liability of the Brussels Region.

For more information, contact Brussels Mobility at the toll-free number 0800 94 001.

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