Sports activities
Brussels has everything you need when it comes to sport. If you are looking to let off steam regularly, there are plenty of sports clubs and courses in the city. If you are just here on a short visit, you’ll find the facilities you need while you’re in town.
Sports clubs
If you want to do sport regularly you should get in touch with one of Brussels’s sports clubs. There are a lot of sports you can do in Brussels: from kitesurfing to underwater hockey.
The Communities are responsible for sport in Brussels, so information about sports activities is available in French or Dutch.
External is the new regional website for sport in Brussels. It includes the sports offer for everyone. It is managed by the Sport Unit within External with the support of the CoCoF, the VGC, Brussels Local Authorities and the 19 Brussels municipalities.
You will find, in French, Dutch or English, a directory of Brussels' sports clubs and infrastructures.
For French speakers
The Administration de l'Éducation Physique et du Sport (ADEPS) runs External linkthree sports centres in Brussels (FR) where you can play or follow a course. ADEPS is also responsible for recognising the External linkvarious sports federations (FR), which you can contact if you need the address of a club near you.
For Dutch speakers
The Flemish Community Commission (VGC) has a list of External linksports clubs and group courses for people of all ages (NL). It also keeps a database of External linksports facilities in the Brussels-Capital Region (NL). You can filter your search by commune, discipline or keyword.
Just visiting?
If you are only in town for a couple of days but want to keep yourself in trim, Brussels has a lot of green spaceswhere you can do some jogging. You can also criss-cross the capital by bike. In summer explore Brussels by bike or on roller blades in the Roller Bike Parade. Alternatively, take a plunge at one of Brussels’ swimming pools or keep in shape at one of the City’s gyms.
There is a External linklist of sports halls and swimming pools (NL) on the Flemish Community Commission’s website.
Up for a sporting challenge?
Run the External link20 km of Brussels and measure yourself against thousands of amateur and professional runners.
People with a disability are welcome too
Both the ADEPS and the Flemish Community Commission run sports activities for disabled people. Take up the challenge!
For French speakers
To find out more about disabled sports, check out the External linkLigue Handisports (FR) and the External linkFédération Multisports Adaptés (FR).
For Dutch speakers
See the 'External linkAangepast sporten (NL)' pages on the website of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC) or contact the External linkVlaamse Liga Gehandicaptensport (NL).
Who to contact
Contact us
Administration de l’éducation physique et des sports - Administration de l’éducation physique et des sports
Boulevard Léopold II, 441080 Bruxelles