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French Community Commission (COCOF)

The French Community Commission (COCOF) takes care of the responsibilities of the French Community in the Brussels-Capital Region. This primarily concerns culture, education, health care and assistance to citizens.

Remit and responsibilities

The COCOF takes initiatives in the Brussels-Capital Region with regard to culture, education, well-being and health. It can form and fund institutions or take initiatives itself within the scope of community responsibilities.

The French Community of Belgium transferred a number of responsibilities to the COCOF on 1 January 1994. The COCOF can vote on its own legislative texts (decrees) in these matters.

External linkMore information over the responsibilities of the COCOF (FR)


The French Community Commission is made up of a legislative body (the Assembly) and an executive body (the Board).

Assembly of the French Community Commission

The Assembly of the French Community Commission, the Brussels French-speaking Parliament, is made up of the 72 members of the French-speaking group in the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region.

Board of the French Community Commission

The External linkBoard of the French Community Commission (FR) is made up of French-speaking ministers and secretaries of state of the Government of the Region.