Leisure for free
Museums, games, shows, books, sports, walks, etc. This section looks at everything that’s free in Brussels.
Discover all the great free tours in Brussels
Find out all about cinema in Brussels
Discover the best deals on books and literature in Brussels
Every day, the French and Dutch cultural centres in the Brussels Capital-Region organize all kinds of activities for...
Discover a colorful array of cultural celebrations, parades, and events that capture the spirit and diversity of...
Immerse yourself in a world of artistic expression by exploring a spectrum of artistic discipline including music,...
This section lists the museums with free admission.
Immerse yourself in Brussels' diverse music scene with a plethora of free concerts spanning classical, jazz, rock, and...
Many newspapers and magazines are available free of charge in the Capital. There you can find general information...
Explore local play spaces designed for children's enjoyment, offering swings, climbing frames, sand pits, and many more...
Explore a variety of free sports and recreational activities available in your commune, including running, swimming,...
Explore a diverse array of engaging and enriching gatherings happening in Brussels, from creative mornings to parenting...
Experience a world of entertainment and artistic expression with a range of free performances and events for all ages...
Embark on exciting walking experiences through Brussels' diverse landscapes and cultural heritage.
Brussels offers a range of diverse and cost-free experiences, from breakdance classes and knitting gatherings to public...