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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Rest homes

When it starts to become difficult to live on your own, a rest home is an alternative that combines accommodation with adapted care, including permanent medical and nursing care.

A list of rest homes in Brussels is available in the Seniors section at Opens in new windowBruxelles Social en ligne (FR/NL).

On the website of the Common Community Commission you can search for a Opens in new windownursing home (FR/NL) or a Opens in new windowreception or accommodation service for senior citizens (FR/NL) in Brussels by name or commune.

For Dutch speakers

  • Home-Info is an NPO that provides information on rest homes where Dutch is spoken in the Brussels-Capital Region. It works together with Infor-Home.

Contact us


Rue de Laeken, 76 - b. 1
1000 Brussels

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For French speakers

  • Infor-Homes is an NPO that provides information on rest homes where French is spoken in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Contact us


Boulevard Anspach, 59
1000 Brussels