Assistance for senior citizens
As long as you are able to live at home on your own you can also rely on the assistance of a range of home help services, including medical and paramedical care, social assistance and material support.
Type of services
- Home helps are available to assist you with cleaning, washing and doing the dishes in the home.
- You can also get help with various daily chores, like shopping, preparing meals and administrative tasks.
See Opens in new windowBruxelles Social en ligne (FR/NL) for a full list of services.
On the website of the Common Community Commission you can search for a Opens in new windowhome help service in Brussels (FR/NL) by name or commune.
For French speakers
Information on Opens in new windowhome help and other services (FR) is posted on the website of the COCOF (French Community Commission).
For Dutch speakers
- The non-profit association Kenniscenrtrum W(elzijn) W(onen) Z(org) aims for better welfare, new forms of housing and affordable care for all Brussels citizens, especially for vulnerable people.
On its website you can find information about Opens in new windowassistance services to senior citizens (NL). - Brussels Overleg Thuislozenzorg, one of the Brusselse Welzijns en –gezondheidsRaad’s consultative bodies, provides a general survey of Opens in new windowhome assistance facilities and care services for French speakers (FR) home assistance facilities and care services for French speakers.
Information on home care and remote care is also provided on the health and safety pages of this website.