Relocation allowance : Financial Support for Moving
The relocation allowance is a financial aid designed to help low-income tenants who need to move from unsuitable accommodation, or individuals transitioning out of certain homeless situations.
What is the relocation allowance?
The reallocation allowance is financial aid designed to help:
- Tenants on low incomes who change accommodation because it is unfit for habitation, overcrowded (too small for the size of the household), unsuitable for people with reduced mobility (disability of 66% or more) or unsuitable for the elderly.
- Individuals transitioning out of certain homeless situations.
The relocation allowance is divided into two parts: moving assistance and rent assistance. An individual may receive one or both types of assistance, depending on their situation.
Conditions for granting the allowance
Conditions relating to the former housing*
- The housing is inadequate (does not meet the standards for safety, sanitation or basic facilities, or Opens in new windowother scenarios defined in Article 1 of the Decree of 28 November 2013, establishing a relocation allowance).
- You have been renting the property for at least one year without interruption.
- The property is located in the Brussels-Capital Region.
- The property does not belong to a member of your family.
*These conditions do not apply if you are transitioning out of homelessness (and have a certificate issued by the PCSW).
Conditions relating to the new housing
- The housing complies with the prescribed standards (in terms of safety, sanitation and basic facilities).
- You have been occupying the new property for less than 3 months (from the date of the lease).
- The property is located in the Brussels-Capital Region.
- The property does not belong to a member of your family.
- The lease agreement is registered
Conditions relating to the applicant and their household
- Your household income does not exceed the Opens in new windowupper limits. The income considered is that of the year preceding the year of your application.
- You are aged at least 18 years (or an emancipated minor or a minor granted autonomy).
- No member of your household has previously received the relocation allowance (or the former ADIL assistance).
- No member of your household owns a property, either outright, in emphyteusis or in usufruct.
How much is the relocation allowance?
The amount of the moving assistance is €1,057.21.
This amount is increased by 10% for each dependant with the increase capped at three dependants, resulting in a maximum allowance of €1,374.37 (Opens in new windowsee list of upper limits).
The monthly amount of the rent assistance is capped at €204.83 (for a household with no dependants).
This amount is increased by 10% for each dependant with the increase capped at five dependants, resulting in a maximum monthly allowance of €307.25 (Opens in new windowsee list of upper limits).
To calculate the exact amount, the Administration considers the new rent amount (or the capped amount corresponding to the type of housing) and subtracts one-third of the household's monthly income. The result of the calculation must be greater than or equal to €19.82. If the result is below this amount, the Administration will not grant rent assistance.
Duration of the relocation allowance
- Rent assistance is granted for a period of 5 years.
After this period, the case is reassessed (a review of eligibility conditions and a new calculation). If renewed, the assistance will be granted for a further period of 5 years at 50% of the amount calculated during the case review. - Rent assistance may be granted indefinitely if a household member is aged 65 or over or has a permanent disability of at least 66%. Following a review of eligibility conditions every 5 years, the assistance will continue to be granted at 100% of the amount calculated during the file review.
- Brussels Housing must be notified immediately of any change in circumstances (moving house, change in household composition, increase or decrease in rent for social housing).
- Formulaire de demande allocation de relogement (locataire)(PDF / 628.75 KB)
- Aanvraagformulier herhuisvestingstoelage (huurder versie)(PDF / 596.34 KB)
- Formulaire de demande allocation de relogement (sans-abri)(PDF / 536.35 KB)
- Aanvraagformulier herhuisvestingstoelage (dakloze versie)(PDF / 501.42 KB)
- Notice explicative allocation de relogement (locataire)(PDF / 254.71 KB)
- Toelichting herhuisvestingstoelage (huurder versie)(PDF / 298.62 KB)
- Notice explicative allocation de relogement (sans-abri)(PDF / 258.15 KB)
- Toelichting herhuisvestingstoelage (dakloze versie)(PDF / 298.49 KB)
- Exigences élémentaires en matière de sécurité, de salubrité et d'équipement des logements(PDF / 35.35 KB)
- Elementaire verplichtingen inzake veiligheid, gezondheid en uitrusting van de woningen(PDF / 31.76 KB)
- Plafonds et montants allocation de relogement(PDF / 114.72 KB)
- Plafonds en bedragen herhuisvestingstoelage(PDF / 135.76 KB)
Legal basis
- Opens in new windowMinisterial decree of 26 April 2024 determining the housing suitability standards for the application of the Decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 28 November 2013 establishing a relocation allowance
- Opens in new windowDecree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 18 February 2016 amending the decree of 28 November 2013
- Opens in new windowDecree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 28 November 2013 establishing a relocation allowance