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Renewal of half the members of the Housing and Urban Renewal Advisory Council (CCL)

The Housing and Urban Renewal Advisory Council (CCL) is a Brussels-based consultative body which carries out its tasks in the field of housing and urban renewal. Members are appointed for a period of 5 years. Every 30 months, half of the members of the CCL are replaced.

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Unsolicited applications

Unsolicited applications will be accepted for the following professions:

  • a housing expert (a person with at least 5 years' relevant professional experience in the field of housing);
    During their term of office on the CCL, these members may not be assigned service tasks by the Council.
  • an expert surveyor;
  • a notary.

Would you like to become a member of the Housing Advisory Council?
Submit your application before 14 October 2024 by e-mailing your cover letter and CV.

Please note that expert surveyors and notaries may also be nominated by the body that represents them (see "Bodies concerned"): an expert surveyor by the Union of Expert Surveyors of Brussels (Union des géomètres experts de Bruxelles), a notary by the Brussels-Capital Region chamber of notaries (Chambre des notaires de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale).

See the official announcement, Opens in new windowpublished in the Belgian Official Gazette.

Bodies concerned

The bodies concerned by this renewal were invited to put forward candidates to sit on the Advisory Council:

  • The Brussels-Capital Region Development Company (Société de Développement pour la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale) [citydev.brusssels];
  • La Confédération de la Construction de Bruxelles-Capitale [];
  • The Professional Institute of Estate Agents (Institut professionnel des Agents immobiliers);
  • A representative of the public-service real estate companies, nominated by their federative entities [Social Housing Brussels (SHBxl asbl)];
  • La Fédération Bruxelloise Unie pour le Logement [FéBUL];
  • The Habitat Network;
  • Le syndicat des locataires;
  • The non-profit organisation Habiter Bruxelles;
  • The Association of the City and Municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region (Association de la Ville et des Communes de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale) [Brulocalis], municipalities section;
  • A notary, either nominated by the Chambre des notaires of the Brussels district, or based on an unsolicited application;
  • An expert surveyor, either nominated by the Union des géomètres experts de Bruxelles, or based on an unsolicited application;

Did you know?

The CCL is made up of 25 members that represent institutions and bodies such as public housing operators, associations, workers' unions, employers' unions, the private sector and a number of experts.

The role of the CCL is to produce opinions based on requests addressed to it by the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region. It can also independently conduct studies and analyses and submit proposals to the Government.

With this in mind, the CCL meets several times a year in plenary session. To find out more, visit the Brussels Housing website.

Do you have any questions?

Send an e-mail to the CCL secretariat at the following address: Opens in new