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INTERVIEW with the Subsidies Unit of Brussels Housing

The Studies and Subsidies Department comprises two units whose mission is to grant subsidies to housing producers and managers such as Agences Immobilières Sociales (AIS), Brussels Housing Corporation (SLRB), Fonds du Logement and Community Land Trust Brussels (CLTB). Meet the three members of one of these two units: case managers Bénédicte Varache and Sophie Lamy-Jamar, and unit coordinator Tom Lejuste.

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From left to right: Sophie Lamy-Jamar, Tom Lejuste, Bénédicte Varache

What is the role of your unit?

Lejuste: "We subsidise players who take on major housing challenges! We take care of every step of the process, from claim analysis to payment."

Lamy-Jamar: "The main beneficiaries of the subsidies are social housing agencies and the Community Land Trust Brussels. We also subsidise various association projects, such as symposiums and housing construction projects."

Varache: "We also ensure that the subsidy is used in accordance with the purposes for which it was awarded."

What are the different stages in awarding a subsidy?

Lamy-Jamar: "Firstly, we analyse the request based on a range of criteria such as the innovative nature of the project, its link with the Emergency Housing Plan, etc. This analysis is then passed on to the Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Housing, which then sends us an instruction note."

Varache: "Once we have received the instruction note, we inform the association of the decision. Some files require an opinion from the Finance Inspectorate, which we pass on to the Cabinet."

Lejuste: "For certain projects, the Cabinet also requests the agreement of the Budget Minister and ensures that the subsidy application is submitted to the Council of Ministers. Once these steps have been completed, our team receives all the signed documents required to commit the subsidy. We communicate the decision to the beneficiary and pay out the amounts awarded."

How do you work together as a team?

Varache: "We have a file monitoring table. This allows us to know at any time what stage of the procedure a file is at."

Lamy-Jamar: "We also hold a team meeting every week. This is an opportunity to take stock of the different files and the problems encountered, and to find solutions."

Lejuste: "When assigning files, I try to distribute the workload evenly."

What are your challenges and your ambitions for the future?

Lejuste: "We have to be particularly attentive and thorough in our analyses and controls to ensure that the subsidies granted meet the most significant needs."

Varache: "The changes underway in the decree organising social property agencies will also mean big changes from 2024. The new subsidy calculation method will have a major impact on our work."

Lamy-Jamar: "A new subsidy processing tool is currently being developed. It will add a great deal of value and allow certain tasks to be automated."

You can also watch the video portrait of unit coordinator Tom Lejuste, who explains exactly what he does: