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Regional Development Plan

The Regional Development Plan (French acronym: PRD) enables the Brussels-Capital Region to define its development priorities, especially with regard to land management.

For full information on the External linkRegional Development Plan (PRD) website (FR/NL).

The Regional Development Plan is another source of general information and links.

Extract of Priority 2 in the Regional Development Plan

"Stimulating all sectors of the Brussels economy with a view to developing local employment, ensuring that the activities do not harm the environment or negatively affect quality of life in the city.

The economic policy on a territory as demanding as that of the Brussels-Capital Region must favour the maintenance and development of all economic activities inherent to the city.

The development of businesses necessitates bringing together a set of complex conditions that contribute to the city’s economic attractiveness and encourage businesses to set up, remain and grow in Brussels.

To this end, the establishment of a favourable business climate is essential, especially through the simplification of administrative formalities, e-government, taxation and access to credits. All efforts – public and private – that help businesses to set up and prosper in Brussels are coordinated and combined in a one-stop shop.

In addition, the emphasis is placed on measures that help create and extend the activities of small and mid-sized enterprises, micro businesses and the self-employed."
