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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Emergency and duty services

Need urgent care, medicine, or help for your pet? In distress? Here are the emergency and on-call services you can contact.

  • In a medical emergency as a result of an accident, violence or a fire, call 100 (in Belgium) or 112 (valid throughout the European Union). Both of these numbers are free 24 hours a day from a landline, a public telephone or a mobile phone (even when networks are not available or overloaded).
  • Police emergencies: 101
  • In the event of a road accident you can call an agent from one of the emergency roadside phones positioned every two kilometres on motorways and some regional roads. The agent will be able to determine your location automatically.

Medical assistance

Emergency Services

European emergency number

Valid in Brussels and throughout Europe, for all medical emergencies
Phone: 112
Online: Opens in new

Fire and ambulance services

Centre Antipoisons (antipoison centre)

Phone: +32 (0)70 245 245
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Centre des brûlés Bruxelles (burns centre)

Hôpital militaire Reine Astrid
Dispatching emergency : +32 (0)2 264 48 48 
Phone: +32 (0)2 268 62 00
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Red Cross

Phone: 105

Round-the-clock and duty services

Duty doctors

Garde Bruxelloise
Phone: +32 (0)2 201 22 22
Online: Opens in new

Duty pharmacies

Emergency phone: 0903 99 000 (€1.50/min)

Pharmacies post a list of the pharmacies open until 10 pm.
You can find a list of duty pharmacies between 10 pm and 9 am at the following bodies:

Vaccines, serum and gamma globulin for single use are also available 24/7 at the following address:
Clinique générale Saint-Jean
Rue du Marais 114, 1000 Brussels
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Aids, STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and sexual health

Veterinary duty services

Vet Emergency (home emergency service)
Phone: +32 (0)2 644 24 24
Online: Opens in new

Dentists on duty

Phone: +32 (0)2 426 10 26

Foundation Against Cancer

Cancerphone: 0800 15 801
Online: Opens in new (FR)

Psychosocial assistance


Suicide prevention

Protection against violence and mistreatment

SOS Violence

SOS Viol (rape helpline) (French-speaking service)
Phone: +32 (0)2 534 36 36
Online: Opens in new (FR)

Child maltreatment

Elder mistreatment

Assistance for young people

Drugs - support and prevention


Police emergencies

Phone: 101

Police stations

To find the nearest police station, see the section on police zones .

Child Focus

Phone: 116 000 (free inside Belgium)
Phone: +32 (0)2 475 44 99 (paying from abroad)
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Suspected gas leaks

Phone: 0800 19 400
Online: Opens in new

Lost or stolen bank cards

Card Stop
Phone: +32 (0)78 170 170
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)