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Vaccination is an essential means of preventing infectious diseases at any time of life. Some vaccines are compulsory, others simply recommended. In Belgium, only polio vaccination is compulsory by law.

There are slight variations between the vaccination plans of the French Community and the Flemish Community. Both plans are in force in the Brussels-Capital Region. The Superior Health Council of the Federal Public Service Public Health is responsible for coordinating vaccination in the French and Flemish Communities.

Vaccination of children

For French speakers

If your child goes to crèche or any other care provision centre approved by the Opens in new window'ONE' (Office de la Naissance et de l’Enfance) (FR), you will be asked to have it vaccinated against the following diseases: polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, type b Haemophilus influenzae, measles, rubella (German measles) and mumps.

Vaccinations for children aged up to 6 years old are organised through the Opens in new window'ONE' consultations (FR).

Various vaccines for children aged between 2 months and 16 years are available free of charge in the vaccinations organised by the French Community. Vaccination against hepatitis B became free for children aged up to 12 years old at the end of 1999.

For Dutch speakers

'Kind & Gezin', the Flemish childhood and family organisation, recommends the following vaccinations: polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, type b Haemophilus influenzae, hepatitis B, measles, rubella (German measles) and mumps. For more information on vaccinations, visit the Opens in new windowKind & Gezin website (NL).

Vaccination of adolescents and adults

As booster or immunisation against certain infectious diseases, vaccination is advisable for adolescents and adults that are not immunised. Pregnant women are another high-risk group.

Vaccinations for senior citizens

The over-65s are a priority group for yearly flu vaccinations.

Who to contact

The official Opens in new windowbasic vaccination calendar (FR/NL) is updated on a yearly basis.
(Source: Superior Health Council of the Federal Public Service Health.)