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One year after the launch of the call: 9,000 rent allowances awarded in Brussels!

After a significant work to rationalize several different rental allowance schemes, a reduction in the granting conditions and a simplification of the procedure, the new rent allowance was launched in October 2021.

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With success. From 400 households assisted until 2021, no less than 9,000 households have benefited from this assistance to date.

A real paradigm shift in terms of administrative simplification was achieved by Bruxelles Logement under the leadership of Nawal Ben Hamou, Secretary of State for Housing within the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region.

Semi-automatic data processing has been put in place, which means that the applicant no longer has to provide all the documents that will allow Bruxelles Logement to check whether they meet the conditions. A true revolution within the Brussels administration, Bruxelles Logement was the first to act in this way.

The analysis of files is not done automatically. Each file is analyzed on a case-by-case basis by the administration, which may request additional information if necessary.

« Un travail énorme que l’administration a réalisé et qui permet aujourd’hui de soutenir 9000 ménages, dont un tier sont des familles monoparentales. Les CPAS, le service logement des communes et les associations d’insertion par le logement ont été d’une aide précieuse sur le terrain pour aider les familles à introduire leur dossier  » se félicite Nawal Ben Hamou.

As a reminder, this monthly financial intervention is help to pay the rent, while waiting for social housing to be allocated.
The 9,000 households currently benefiting from an allowance receive an amount which varies between 120 and 173 EUR to which must be added between 20 and 43 EUR per dependent child.

According to forecasts, there remain around 3,000 households who are entitled to this allowance and who have not yet claimed it despite the communication and simplification efforts made. All information and conditions are on the website External or by telephone at 0800/40.400