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finance& (Brussels Regional Investment Company - BRIC) provides financial support to help private business set up, restructure and expand in the Brussels-Capital Region.

The importance of added value

finance& works to attract investments in the mixed economy in the Brussels-Capital Region, providing two types of assistance to businesses:

  • contributing its own funds to SMEs to facilitate access to credit to help with formation or development expenses. Depending on the project, these contributions may take the form of capital injections (minority stakes) or loans;
  • providing technical support and financial advice (financial engineering) to businesses that benefit from its investments.

finance& businesses with a registered office in the Brussels-Capital Region. Businesses must also bring major added value to the Brussels economy, in terms of innovation or exports for example. Sector and profile are of secondary importance. finance& is especially interested in the following criteria:

  • "new" innovation-driven or high-tech businesses;
  • rapidly expanding businesses;
  • medium-sized businesses looking to diversify;
  • foreign businesses with plans in the Brussels-Capital Region.

finance& has a number of subsidies to conduct its activities:

  • BruStart funds fledgling SMEs (younger than five years old) in the form of minority shareholdings and/or loans;
  • BruSoc funds and supports the self-employed, small businesses and social economy projects;
  • B2E - Bruxelles PME gives loans (with a minimum duration of three years) as cofinancing alongside the loans given by credit institutions.
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