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Brussels Environment

Brussels Environment is the administration for the environment and energy of the Brussels-Capital Region.

Brussels Environment is responsible for designing and implementing regional policies in all matters related to the environment. Every day, its teams work to make Brussels a more pleasant and sustainable region for everyone who lives, works, or stays there.

 Bruxelles Environnement • Leefmilieu Brussel
About Brussels Environment

Brussels Environment is the Brussels administration for environment and energy, serving all citizens and businesses in Brussels.

Areas of expertise

Brussels Environment operates in various areas and intervenes in a cross-cutting and sustainable manner to promote a more ecological, ethical, and socially just society.

Protecting natural resources

Protecting air, water, energy, the Forêt de Soignes and green spaces, nature and biodiversity, animal welfare and soil.

Ecofriendly management of the region

Plan and manage waste and resources, promote the circular economy, encourage sustainable production, consumption and construction, maintain green spaces, natural areas and non-navigable waterways, reduce noise pollution and exposure to electromagnetic waves.

Combating climate change

By coordinating regional action

The professions

Architects, biologists, green space managers, landscape architects, legal experts, project managers... The professions practised at Bruxelles Environnement are very varied and are organised around 4 divisions.

Jobs in the field of nature development

To design, develop, maintain and preserve the Region's green spaces, natural areas, forests and waterways.

Awareness-raising, advice and support professions

To mobilise, advise and stimulate the changes in behaviour that are essential if environmental policies are to succeed.

Careers in environmental scientific data collection

To develop expertise in collecting, managing and making available environmental data.

Traditional administrative professions

To prepare and draft regulations, issue environmental permits and administrative authorisations in accordance with the legal framework, and monitor and inspect environmental legislation.


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