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Paradigm joins to revolutionise professional training for rescue teams

Paradigm and are joining forces to improve the professional training of rescue teams in the Brussels-Capital Region. Real technological advances are at the heart of this successful collaboration.

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Automated first-aid training

Paradigm recently collaborated with the Institute of Training in Emergency Medical Aid (IFAMU), introducing a major innovation: the monitoring of dummies used for first-aid training. This cutting-edge technology collects and stores all data recorded during training sessions or practical exercises.

This digital breakthrough enables an in-depth analysis of individual and collective performance during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) simulations. This then provides an opportunity to identify specific areas for improvement, and to reinforce essential skills in an emergency situation. In line with this dynamic, this innovative solution is simultaneously evolving towards a more extensive cloud platform, in partnership with Pinga Group.

Virtual reality, a revolution in immersive training

For its part, is continuing to invest in cutting-edge technologies. In September 2023, the introduction of a new simulator using XVR technology marked a major turning point for simulations of firefighting operations. Virtual reality rooms and an immersive room equipped with projections of the environment on the walls as well as systems diffusing sounds and smells have been integrated to enhance the existing training offering. These state-of-the-art facilities offer safety, prevention and rescue professionals total immersion training in realistic scenarios.

Recruitment Guidance Centre to make monitoring easier

At the same time, Paradigm worked alongside to develop tools for the Recruitment Guidance Centre (Centre d'Orientation au Recrutement, COR), which aims to provide information, advice, guidance and training for anyone wishing to work in the fields of safety, prevention or rescue. The COR offers information on the professions, career guidance, preparatory training for selection tests and personalised support throughout the recruitment process.

Paradigm's commitment to supporting the development of planning and monitoring tools for candidates bears witness to its continued involvement in the professional development of teams in the safety, prevention and rescue (SPR) sector serving the public.

From virtual reality to simulations of firefighting operations, and Paradigm are working together to shape the future of immersive training, offering SPR professionals unrivalled tools to prepare for operations in realistic conditions.

Paradigm is proud to support in continually improving the training of rescue teams in the Brussels-Capital Region. 

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