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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Education, Teaching



  • Belgium offers comprehensive education at primary, secondary, kindergarten, and university levels, providing a...

  • Looking for a training or where you can learn another language? Check out our suggestions.

  • Specialized education for students with disabilities or learning difficulties. Individualized support and...

  • So you have decided to study in the Brussels-Capital Region. If your parents do not live nearby or you are looking for...

  • If you are a foreign national and you would like to study in Brussels, a wide array of courses are available in the...

  • Language or study courses abroad, Erasmus programmes as part of a university course in Europe, multinationals promoting...

  • Supporting children and young people in their school career can be a costly business. In some cases, you may be...

  • Online services with regard to education and training in the Brussels-Capital Region

  • In Belgium, education is compulsory up to 18 years of age and is split into four stages: nursery, primary, secondary...

Latest news

  • Persistent absenteeism, truancy, high drop-out rates: early school leaving remains an issue among Brussels children and adolescents. Apart from the consequences for the children themselves, this also affects the situation at school, at home and in the neighbourhoods and society...

  • Formed at the instigation of the Region’s Direction des Monuments et Sites (DMS, monument and sites directorate),...