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Family planning centres

The Family planning centres provide information and assistance to all on family matters, without reservation, prejudice or restriction. These centres have their own multidisciplinary team of doctors, gynaecologists, psychologists, legal experts, marriage counsellors, sexologists and social workers.

They also have a prevention remit, covering family mediation and AIDS or cancer screening. Schools also run prevention campaigns to raise awareness of sexual and emotional issues among the young.

External linkBruxelles Social en ligne (FR/NL) provides a list of family planning centres in each commune of the Brussels-Capital Region.

For French speakers

Social work and family policy for French speakers is implemented by the French Community Commission (COCOF).
On its website you can find the External linkapproved family planning centres (FR)

Four autonomous Family Planning Centre Federations are recognised in French-speaking Belgium (Walloon Region and Brussels-Capital Region): Fédération Laïque des Centres de Planning Familial (FLCPF), Fédération des Centres pluralistes de Planning familial, Fédération des Centres de Planning et de Consultations and Sofélia – La Fédé militante des Centres de Planning familial solidaires.

The four federations are all found on External linkthe Love Attitude portal (FR) for more convenient access to consultation centres in Wallonia and Brussels. You will be able to find the Family Planning Centre that meets your needs there.

For Dutch speakers

There are no family planning centres as such for Dutch speakers. However, the Brussels-Capital Region is home to two Centra voor Algemeen Welzijn (CAW, Centres for General Well-being), which provide support to people experiencing difficulties. They also handle questions relating to pregnancy, sexuality, couples and the family.

The 'Centrum voor Verantwoord Ouderschap' (Centre for Responsible Parenting) in Saint-Gilles provides assistance and advice in relation to parenting and family matters, among other things.
Phone: +32 (0)2 539 32 07
Email :

'VUB Dilemma' at the 'Vrije Universiteit Brussel' provides External linkassistance in the event of unwanted pregnancy.

The External linkwebsite of Sensoa (NL; Flemish expertise centre for sexual health) provides information about sexuality, contraception and preventing sexually transmittable diseases.

There are also several helpline services, including:

  • 'Luistertelefoon ongepland zwanger' (unwanted pregnancy): +32 (0)78 15 30 45 (18.00 to 22.00)
  • External linkAntenatal diagnosis info line (NL) of the 'Katholieke Universiteit Leuven' (antenatal information): +32 (0)78 15 35 55 (9.00 to 17.00, Mondays to Thursdays)
  • External linkLumi (NL) (questions about homosexuality and bisexuality): 0800 99 533 (free line open 18.00 to 22.00 Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays)