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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Psychological help

Depression, behavioral issues, relational difficulties and addictions have varied causes. In Brussels, organizations offer listening support and proper care.

For English speakers

  • Community Help Service (CHS)

    CHS help line is an anonymous & confidential 24-hour crisis and Information telephone service. It provides support in English to people who do not speak French or Dutch.

    Phone. : +32 (0)2 648 40 14
    Online : External linkwww.chs-Opens in new

For French speakers

  • Mental health services
    On the website of the French Community Commission (COCOF) you will find in the section about well-being and health the Opens in new windowmental health services (FR).
  • Télé-Accueil Bruxelles

    Télé-Accueil Bruxelles is an organisation subsidised by the Health sector of the French Community Commission (COCOF) working to prevent some consequences of isolation and the breaking of social relationships. Lines are open 24 hours a day to anyone who needs to talk. Télé-Accueil works with the Brussels-Capital Region’s mental health services.

    24/7 helpline (no need to give your name): 107
    Chat: Opens in new
    Phone: +32 (0)2 538 49 21
    Online: External (FR)

  • Centre de Prévention du Suicide

    The remit of the Centre de Prévention du Suicide is to provide psychological support to people experiencing problems and personal crises through dialogue to prevent them from taking their own life. It does not provide medical advice, but it does work in association with the on-call doctors’ service or GPs in the event of attempted suicide.

    The Centre de Prévention du Suicide operates 24/7 and is subsidised by the Health sector of the French Community Commission (COCOF) as a helpline centre.

    Helpline: 0800 32 123 (free) - 24/24
    Online: Opens in new (FR)

  • S.O.S VIOL

    In addition to medical and legal assistance, 'S.O.S. VIOL' provides personalised psychological support to people who have been the victim of sexual assault.

    Rue de Bordeaux, 62 A, 1060 Brussels
    Phone: +32 (0)2 534 36 36
    Online: Opens in new (FR)

  • Assistance in schools

    The PMS (psycho-medico-social) centres and SMI (school medical inspection) teams attached to schools provide psychological, medical and social support to students and parents.
    The full list of PMS centres in Belgium is available on the French Community’s education portal.
    Web: Opens in new (FR)

For Dutch speakers

  • De sociale kaart is an Opens in new windowonline database about services in the health and welfare sector in Brussels and Flanders (NL).
  • Centrum Algemeen Welzijnwerk (CAW) (centers for general well-being) provides support to people experiencing difficulties.
    Boulevard d'Anvers 34, 1000 Brussels
    Phone: +32 (0)2 486 45 00
    Email :
    Online: Opens in new (NL)
  • 'Tele-onthaal'

    Tele-onthaal runs a 24/7 anonymous phone line to respond to a whole range of questions and problems. Volunteers with proper training are ready to listen and advise anyone experiencing problems. You can also chat with volunteers online at specific times.

    Helpline: 106
    Online: Opens in new (NL)

  • 'Centrum ter Preventie van Zelfdoding' (Suicide prevention)

    The Centrum ter Preventie van Zelfdoding’s (Suicide Prevention Centre) 'Zelfmoordlijn' (suicide prevention line) is specialised in helping people in distress and those with suicidal tendencies. As well as running a phone line and text chatting it is also a centre of expertise in suicide prevention and training for helpers.

    Ferdinand Lenoirstraat, 27-31, 1090 Brussels
    Helpline: 1813
    Online: Opens in new (NL)

  • Assistance in schools

    The Centrum voor Leerlingenbegeleiding (CLB) is an organisation providing assistance and support in the school environment in close association with all schools under the Flemish Community. It offers assistance to students, educators and parents with regard to questions about educational (academic orientation), psychological, medical and social matters.
    Full information is available on the Flemlish Community’s education portal.

    Online:  Opens in new

  • 'Teleblok'

    Teleblok provides assistance by phone and online to students during exams.

    Phone: 0800 13 14 4 (free number in Belgium)
    Online: Opens in new (NL)

'Opens in new windowBruxelles Social en ligne (FR/NL)', an interactive social map of the Brussels-Capital Region in French and Dutch, which also provides access to the full spread of social and health services.