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Rental price indexation

Rent indexation is the periodic adjustment of the rent to reflect changes in the cost of living.

When can rent be indexed?

To index the rent (and if the lease does not exclude it), the landlord must comply with regional rental legislation, which includes: 

If indexation is allowed, the rent can be adjusted annually, at the earliest on the anniversary date of the lease coming into force. 

Indexation is not automatic; the landlord must request it in writing from the tenant. 
This request only has retroactive effect for the three months preceding the month of the request. 

Indexation calculation

Basic principle:

Indexation is always based on fluctuations in the "health" price index. 

To calculate the amount of the indexed rent, the following formula is used (Article 1728bis of the old Civil Code): 

(base rent x new health index)/initial health index


  • the base rent is the amount specified in the lease agreement; 
  • the initial index is the health index of the month preceding the date on which the contract was signed; 
  • the new index is the health index of the month preceding the anniversary date of the lease coming into force 

The index tables are available on the FPS Economy Opens in new windowStatbel website

There is also an indexed rent calculator

Correction factor for certain energy-intensive properties:

Until 13 October 2023, rent indexation for energy-intensive properties was subject to restrictions. 

From 14 October 2023, indexation for rental properties with an EPB certificate rated E, F and G is once again permitted, but using an adapted formula.

You must Opens in new windowapply a correction factor if your property meets the following 3 criteria: 

  1. The lease took effect before 14 October 2022
  2. The EPB certificate for the property is E, F or G
  3. The property is rented on the private or public market (including properties rented through the Public Centre for Social Welfare (PCSW), the municipality, a social rental agency or the Land Management Agency (Régie Foncière)). Properties rented by public service property companies: (SISP) and the Housing Fund are not affected. 

Indexed rent calculator

An Excel tool is available to help you calculate indexation of rent.

Downloads (only available in French and Dutch)

Some of the documents are not available in this language. You can find them below in the available languages.


  • This version can only be used to calculate the indexation of rent for residential leases until 31/10/2024.
  • An update of the calculation module is available on the 5th of each month.
  • The Excel file must be downloaded and you must enable editing.

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