Key rules for renting
Before renting out a property, the owner must ensure that the property meets the compliance and safety standards...
Rental contracts: comprehensive guide to rental and lease agreements
The Region provides several standard lease templates, tailored to the specifics of the rental situation. Both the...
Residential lease termination templates
The Region provides several sample termination letters for primary residential leases. Both the landlord and tenant are...
Residential lease registration
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Rental price indexation
Rent indexation is the periodic adjustment of the rent to reflect changes in the cost of living.
Security Deposit
The landlord may request a rental guarantee from the new tenant. This guarantee serves as a safeguard for the landlord,...
Inventory of fixtures
The tenant and landlord are required to draw up a detailed inventory of fixtures in the presence of both parties. This...
Division of repairs between tenant and landlord
What are the maintenance obligations of the tenant and the landlord?
What are the rules for subletting?
Reference rent price: how to determine fair rental value
Qu’est-ce que la grille indicative de référence des loyers ? Quelle est son incidence sur la What is the indicative...
Joint Rental Commission
The Joint Rental Commission (Commission Paritaire Locative, CPL - Paritaire Huurcommissie) is an independent and...