Recognising a Brussels taxi
Station taxis must be black and have a black and mango yellow chequered stripe on all four doors with two Iris symbolising the Brussels-Capital Region. Station taxis have a light on their roof called a sputnik with a black and mango yellow chequered pattern.
Street taxis do not have a specific visual identity. Under no circumstances can they be visually confused with the visual identity imposed on taxi ranks.
Ceremonial taxis are vehicles assigned to a ceremonial taxi service (by reservation).
All Brussels taxis will have a numbe plate bearing the letters TX. However, some TL plates may still exist for some time.
How much does a taxi ride cost?
Unreserved fares (for station taxis only)
The fixed rates are as follows:
- Pick-up: €2.60
- Night surcharge (between 10pm and 6am): €2
- Price per minute (per minute started): €0.60
- Price per kilometre: €2.30
- Minimum fare: €8.00
Fares for booked journeys (for station taxis and street taxis)
The minimum rates are as follows:
- Pick-up: €1.50
- Price per minute (per minute started): €0.40
- Price per kilometre: €1.50
- Minimum fare: €8.00
The maximum fares are capped at 200% of the minimum fares.
Grand Luxe street taxi fares
Grand Luxe taxis are taxis that are less than 10 years old when first put into service, with a wheelbase of 2.90m or more and a new purchase price of at least €60,500 (excluding options and taxes). The minimum rates are as follows:
- Pick-up: €5.00
- Price per minute (per minute started): €1.00
- Price per kilometre: €3.00
The maximum rates are capped at 500% of the minimum rates.
Ceremonial taxi fares
A ceremonial taxi is a taxi service provided, by reservation, as part of a ceremony for which the Government decides the list. The minimum fares are as follows:
- Minimum period of 3 consecutive hours: €90.00 excluding VAT
- For each additional hour: €30.00 excluding VAT
Collective taxi fares
The flat-rate customer contribution for a collective taxi journey authorised by the Government is set at €6.00 per user and per journey. Currently, the only authorised service is Collecto.
Obligation to give you a ticket!
The driver is obliged to give you the ticket from the printer (not a handwritten ticket) for your journey when you have finished. This ticket includes the taxi number, the fare and a whole range of useful information in the event of a complaint or lost property.
Reservation intermediaries
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Les chèques Taxis
Les chèques-taxis d'une valeur de 5 euros chacun vous sont offerts sous certaines conditions par la Région bruxelloise. Ils vous permettent de vous déplacer facilement en taxi dans le périmètre de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale ou au départ de celle-ci.
Les chèques-taxis sont utilisables dans tous les taxis bruxellois. Ils sont l’équivalent de l’argent liquide. Si nécessaire, le chauffeur vous rendra donc la monnaie. Par exemple, si votre course taxi coûte 13 euros, vous pourrez payer le chauffeur au moyen de 3 chèques-taxis de 5 euros et il vous rendra alors 2 euros en monnaie.
Les conditions d'octroi
Pour pouvoir bénéficier des chèques-taxis, il faut être domicilié dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale et répondre aux conditions suivantes :
- soit être une personne à mobilité réduite (66% de handicap) + disposer d’une attestation d’incapacité à utiliser les transports en commun et avoir un revenu BIM
- soit avoir plus de 75 ans + disposer d’une attestation d’incapacité à utiliser les transports en commun et avoir un revenu BIM.
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