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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage


Businesses employ people who need to commute to work. Often they also welcome visitors and are responsible for goods flows. If this traffic is not properly managed, it will lead to road congestion.

All bodies governed by public or private law employing over 100 people at the same location in the Brussels-Capital Region are legally obliged to draw up a transport plan.

Private businesses as well as public authorities and semi-public sector bodies have this duty.

The goal is to together gradually introduce a framework that promotes rational car use and the switch to more ecologically sound modes of transport (cycling, walking, public transport).

If these arrangements apply to you, you can find all the information you need to draw up your own transport plan and the details of contact persons on the External linkBruxelles Mobilité website (FR/NL) and on the External linkBrussels Environment website (FR/NL).

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