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Digital Spring 2024: program

This large-scale event will once again bring together a number of partners, associations and public and private stakeholders in the digital sector, all of whom have a role in the digital transformation of the Brussels Region.


09.10am - 09.50am 

Agora - Round table 

The art of participation: Preparing the ground for civic engagement (in french)

Emmanuel Chochoy, Chochoy ConseilNicolas De Briey, FluicityAlice Loget, Watermael-Boitsfort


09.30am - 10am 

Conference - Panel 


Cybersecurity, a daily challenge. Suspicious behaviour online? A ransomware attack? My privacy on social networks? During this session, you'll meet a number of people working in the field of cybersecurity. 

Adnan Bel Khatir, Proximus ADA - Rosanna Kurrer, Cyberway & Women4Cyber - Shweta Van Biesen, Brick by Brick


09.30am - 6.30pm 

SHED 2 Bis - Augmented circuit 


Art superimposed on reality 


09.30am - 6.30pm 

SHED 2 Bis - Immersive installation 




09.30am - 6.30pm 

SHED 2 Bis - Experience 


HALL OF FAME: The avatars of the Invisibles Club 


09.30am - 6.30pm 



09.30am - 6.30pm 

Proximus Ada stand - Workshops 

Artificial intelligence 


10am - 11am 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Invisibles Club 

Short pitches presenting a selection of inclusive and participatory digital solutions for culture, tourism and media professionals. 

Karim Hermi, Tynass IT - Yassine Lachheb, Wildcat Production - Grégory Monfort, AceGood - Vincent Parissis, Bxl Art NFT Gallery - Benigno Pérez, Immerxion Space - Lydia Wand, Over the Reality - Michele Zanello, Over the Reality


10.15am - 10.45am 

Conference - Presentation 

The environmental impact of digital technology 

Reducing the environmental impact of digital infrastructures and uses is not only a question of sustainability, but also of an organisation's resilience. In this session, we'll be discussing the solutions offered by Responsible Digital Technology, and sharing practical feedback. 

Sara Michielsen, The Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT 


11am - 11.30am 

Conference - Panel 


Full Stack Developer, Cloud Architect, Data Scientist, DevOps Engineer, Cybersecurity Specialist... These are just some of the new digital professions. In this session, meet the players who will be discussing training and professional opportunities in the digital sector in the Brussels Region. 

Sana Afouaiz, Womenpreneur - Christina Galouzis, Digitalcity - Claire Morvan, CodeNplay - Stefan Salberter, Ecole 19


11am – 11.15am 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Digitization of a process 

Julie Koplowicz, Paradigm


11.15am – 11.30am 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Damien Picard, Builtwins


11.30am - 11.45am 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Introducing WeShre Business: an app for making contacts and creating customer journeys. 

Hugo Simon, WeShre


11.45am - 12.45pm 

Conference - Keynote & round table 

Future of museums 

An introductory keynote explores the potential of historical avatars as mediation tools in museums, followed by a round-table discussion on the opportunities that digital technology offers for decolonising narratives. 

El Hadji Farba Diop, Museum of Black Civilisations in Dakar - Aliou Ndiaye, Ministry of Culture and Historical heritage(Senegal) – Valentin Schmite, Ask Mona


11.45am – 12am 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Aurélien Charrier, Opendatasoft


1.30pm - 2.30pm 

Conference - Panel 

Urban mobility by air... fiction or reality? 

Frédéric Aguettant, HELIPASSJean-François Benon, CEEVO - Borhene DhaouadiGroupement dtaAmit Ganjoo, ANRA TechnologiesHans Similon, Citymesh


1.30pm  1.45pm 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Hans De Backer, Digital For Youth


1.45pm – 2.00pm 

Agora -Pecha Kucha 

Jean-Michel Verhulst, Trigrr


2.00pm – 2. 15pm 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Orange Fab


2.15pm – 2.30pm 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Digitization of a process  

Julie Koplowicz, Paradigm


2.30pm – 3.30pm 


The street is ours 

How can augmented reality be used to make public spaces more inclusive and participatory? A multi-disciplinary, interactive conference to encourage local stakeholders to innovate in response to Sustainable Development Goal 11: Create sustainable cities and communities. 

El Hadji Farba Diop, Museum of Black Civilisations in Dakar - Karim Hermi, Tynass IT - Sabrina Kamili, K&Co - Aliou Ndiaye, Ministry of culture and historical heritage (Senegal) Benigno Pérez, Immerxion Space - Bastien Rémy, News Media European Commission


2.30pm - 3.30pm 

Agora - Presentation 


Video game design: how do you move from collective to individual work? Emma Schiavone, video game designer, will share her unique journey, shedding light on her experience as a developer and the complexity of moving from a group idea to a personal project. She will discuss the challenges, motivations and intense transition from collaboration to autonomy. 

Emma Schiavone, Pointculture


3.30pm - 4.30pm 

Agora - Round table 

Talent and Training 

A round table to inspire young women and talent from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. 

Samia Chelbi, Netinfo 3D & DigiArt Living Lab - Siham El Faydi, Arts.Factory - Savine Moucheron, Technocité


3.30pm - 4.20pm 


Digital inclusion 

The panel on digital inclusion will address the major achievements of Paradigm's "Digital Appropriation Plan" and the actions planned for 2024, focusing on the status of multimedia leaders, the development of inclusive recommendations and raising awareness of digital inclusion among administrations. 

Mathieu Angelo, CAWaB - Siham El Oulani, - Benjamin Hocquet, Validation of Skills Consortium - Hugues Marchal, Paradigm


4.20pm - 5.20pm 

Conference - Keynote & round table 

Media of the future 

An introductory keynote to present the potential of avatars and 3D environments for documentary producers, through the AFRICAN EMPIRES case study. Followed by a round-table discussion on the opportunities and obstacles to the adoption of artificial intelligence and gaming by audiovisual professionals. 

Samia Chelbi, Netinfo & 3D DigiArt Living Lab – Kathrine Fremming, Khora (Danemark) - Jean-Marie Laronze, Special Touch Studio / African Empires - Gregg Young, VRT Innovatie


4.30pm – 4.45pm 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Lorena Billi, Furt’her


4.45pm – 5pm 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Adélaïde Biebuyck, Greenzy


10am - 10.30am 

Conference - Workshop 


Cybersecurity, a daily challenge. In this session you'll get practical advice on how to deal with these everyday inconveniences online. 

Sara Oualad, MolenGeek - Raf Rollier, Febelfin


10am - 6pm 

Espace SHED 2 Bis - Augmented circuit 


Art superimposed on reality 


10am - 6pm 

Espace SHED 2 Bis - Immersive installation 




10am - 6pm 

Espace SHED 2 Bis - Experience 


Hall of fame: The avatars of the Invisibles Club 


10.30am – 10.45am 


De l'Éclat à l'Obscurité : La Métaphore de la Lumière dans l'Ère de la Data (in French

Emmanuel Chochoy, Chochoy Conseil


10.30am - 11.15am 

Conference - Workshop 

The environmental impact of digital technology 

Computers, smartphones, smart watches... what do these everyday objects cost the planet? In this interactive workshop, we'll explore their environmental footprint and discover how to act responsibly and sustainably. 

Constance Mathieu, Paradigm - Thierry Chappé, Paradigm


10.45am - 11am 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Gareth Walkom, With VR


11.15am – 11.30 am 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Léa Rogliano, ULB


11.30am - 12.30pm 

Conference - Workshop

In this workshop, participants will learn how to access their shared medical record via the Brussels Health Network. They will also discover the individual benefits of this approach, the types of data shared and the recipients, as well as methods for effectively managing their medical record. 



1pm - 2.30pm 



Florian Ernotte, -


2.30pm - 4pm 


Artificial intelligence and its cinematic representations. AI, friend or foe? What's the philosophy? During this session, we'll use film extracts to explore the growing ubiquity of artificial intelligence, from classrooms to courts, sparking both fear and wonder. This will be followed by an open debate to enrich the dialogue. 

Marion De Ruyter, Pointculture


2pm - 2.15pm 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 



2.30pm - 4pm 


Gaming livestream 

Demo tour of the Africa Metaverse Museum platform & other achievements of the Avatars du Patrimoine 

Discovery tour of FORTNITE, the first metaverse platform recognised by UNESCO, dedicated to promoting the richness and diversity of African heritage. 

Ander Ayala,4CHproject - Bilel Bellili,3DNetinfo (online) - Samia Chelbi, Netinfo 3D - DigiArt Living Lab - Malick Diagne Faye, ATA (Sénégal)  Karim Hermi, Tynass IT - Ilyes Hrizi, 3DNetinfo (online) – Christophe Martel



VR livestream 

CO/CREATE: Virtual Studio Tours + Collective Digital Art Practices 

Ahmed Drebika,World Creation Studio (Quebec) - Melannie Jonnas-NG, World Creation Studio (Quebec) - Milo Reinhardt,World Creation Studio (Quebec)


2.30pm – 2.45pm 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Nino Kevlishvili, Campus 19

3pm - 3.15pm 

Agora - Presentation 

Introducing WeShre Business: an app for making contacts and creating customer journeys. 

Hugo Simon, WeShre


3.15pm -3.30pm 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Roger Tilmans, Galatae


3.30pm – 3.45pm 

Agora - Pecha Kucha 

Assia Mezraui, Bubbletech


4pm - 5pm 


History is ours 

Who are the Invisible Figures of History who deserve to be highlighted during the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union? An introductory keynote on the potential of conversational historical avatars – fuelled by the HALL OF FAME experience presented as part of the INVISIBLE FESTIVAL exhibition – followed by a round-table discussion on the ethical challenges and opportunities of a human-machine dialogue to spark young people's interest in history, question the present and co-create desirable futures. 

Amzat Boukari-Yabara - Géraldine Bueken

XR4Heritage - Merouane Touali, 60 years of Belgo-Moroccan relations - Manuela Valentino, UNESCO Heritage House (Mons) - Fatima Zibouh, Molenbeek 2030

Conference & round table 

  • Digital Spring, in its fourth edition in Brussels in March 2024, is inspired by a major IT event in Quebec and aims to...

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