Living together
This section provides information on the formalities you have to complete when you live together in the Brussels-Capital Region.
So the moment comes when you decide to set up home together. It’s a life-changing decision and the start of a great...
Your wedding is a big day that you probably prepare months in advance. But it is also important to realise that...
To ensure that everyone’s rights are respected, a number of formalities need to be completed before you can start...
Marriage and cohabitation, as well as separation and divorce, are federal matters. As a consequence, most of the information in this section refers you to Opens in new
As a result of developments in large agglomerations, family situations and sometimes complicated social relations, there are more divorces than marriages in the Region. There were 5,070 marriages in the Brussels-Capital Region in 2009 (12 % of the total for the whole of Belgium), but 7173 divorces (22 % of the Belgian total).
(Source: Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy statistics, July 2010)