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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage


Expropriation is a procedure by which a public authority takes possession of a property from its an owner for a public purpose. This action must be justified.

Legal proceedings are initiated when the public authority (municipality, Public Centre for Social Welfare (PCSW), Region) fails to reach an amicable agreement with the property owner.  

In the Brussels-Capital Region, the Justice of the Peace authorises expropriation. If authorisation is granted, a legal expert is appointed to assist the judge in determining the value of the expropriated property. 

Following the 6th State Reform, the expropriation procedure was regionalised. Unlike Flanders and Wallonia, the Brussels-Capital Region has not yet exercised this competence. Therefore, expropriations in the Brussels-Capital Region are still conducted based on the Federal Law of 26 July 1962. 

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Legal basis