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Co-ownership and property management

Co-ownership is common in the Brussels-Capital Region, as are questions about how it works.

Co-ownership and formalities

If you own an apartment in a building, you are automatically a member of the co-owners' association

The general meeting (or GM) is one of the Opens in new windowthree mechanisms of the co-ownership. Once a year, during the general meeting, you and the other co-owners discuss and decide what needs to be done for the well-being of the entire building. The financial situation of the co-owners' association is included on the agenda during this meeting. 

The date and organisation details of the general meeting (such as the meeting notices, number of days between the sending of the notice and the meeting date) are specified in the co-ownership's articles of association

Any decision made during the general meeting is recorded by the property management company in the minutes of the meeting, which can always be consulted free of charge by any co-owner. 
In addition, the articles of association may stipulate that a copy of the minutes of the general meeting must be sent to each co-owner. 

The property management company is responsible for the daily management of the co-ownership. During the general meeting, they must provide all proof that they have performed their duties over the past year. Depending on the content of this report, the meeting may or may not grant discharge. 

For more information, consult the "Opens in new windowBuying a co-ownership apartment" section on the website. 

Support for small co-ownerships

Homegrade offers Opens in new windowspecific support for small co-ownerships with fewer than 6 units and/or buildings where the apartments have individual heating and hot water systems. 
This organisation provides a special service for small co-ownerships to facilitate collective decision-making regarding building renovation, including: 

  • organising specific meetings with the property management company or owner to encourage decision-making; 
  • presenting the most appropriate technical or financial tools at the general meeting. 

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