Health and living conditions
In Belgium, people spend 80% of their time inside buildings. The quality of living conditions has a major influence.
Minimum standards for housing
A healthy home fulfils a range of criteria in terms of safety, space, ventilation and comfort. In recent years, though, concern for indoor pollution has risen, as levels are higher indoors than they are outdoors. Various products and substances can be a direct or indirect risk to health and well-being, including cleaning products, tobacco and heating. Humidity problems and malfunctioning equipment like water heaters are added sources of danger.
You can contact Opens in new windowBruxulles Environnement to set up a home visit or audit to assess your inside pollution risks. This non-profit organisation works to improve the quality of life of inhabitants by preventing health problems caused by sources in the home.
Opens in new windowBruxelles Environnement and Homegrade provide advice and information to fight against inside pollution.
Health and environment
As well as the Opens in new windowBrussels Housing Code, which addresses concerns about the quality of housing, certain resources have been introduced in the Brussels-Capital Region to address health issues caused by the environment. One is the Cellule Régionale d'Intervention en Pollution Intérieure (CRIPI), which is tasked with identifying sources of pollution in homes.
Allergy problems, chronic headaches – is inside pollution to blame?
Speak to your doctor, who can request that the "Opens in new windowCellule Régionale d'Intervention en Pollution Intérieure" helps you identify pollution in your home that may be causing your health problems. The CRIPI also makes medical diagnoses through its "green ambulance" service.