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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Advice for incorporated businesses and the self-employed

Manager or sole trader, you are constantly faced with new challenges. Many agencies or trade organizations of the Brussels-Capital Region can assist you.

Any questions about your business activity in the Brussels-Capital Region?

Call 1819 from Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm and Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm.

A premium source of advice for businesses is one of the preferred public partners of everyone who does business in the Brussels-Capital Region. The agency provides assistance to project initiators, business founders, SMEs, self-employed persons, companies in the process of international expansion or foreign investors at every stage of development, advising them on all the aspects of their economic activity in Brussels (subsidies, financing, administrative formalities, urban planning/environmental regulations, etc.).

Chaussée de Charleroi 110, 1060 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 422 00 20
Online: Opens in new

Brussels Regional Investment Company (BRIC)

The main purpose of the Brussels Regional Investment Company (BRIC) is investment in Brussels-based businesses. In addition to actual investments, the BRDA also follows developers through every step in the life of their business, helping them in their key decisions. If you need advice about how to grow and manage your business, the BRDA could be the partner you are looking for.

Rue de Stassart 32, 1050 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 548 22 11
Online: (FR/NL)

Trade organizations

Several bodies promote and defend the interests of businesses, the self-employed and liberal professionals in the Brussels-Capital Region. Some of them provide a full range of services to their members, including general information, legal advice and a business desk.

The following trade organizations are recognised by the Brussels-Capital Region’s economic and social council as representatives of the self-employed (Opens in new windowOrder of 24 June 2010 (FR/NL)):

Bilingual bodies

Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry (BECI-CCIB)

Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry (BECI) represents thousands of businesses, defending their interests and providing a host of services to help them manage their affairs: sector representation, providing a wide range of advice (taxation, social security legislation, commercial strategy and more) and assisting them with administrative formalities, business opportunities and communication.

Advice department
Avenue Louise 500, 1050 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 643 78 19
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Liberaal Verbond voor Zelfstandigen (LVZ)

The 'Liberaal Verbond voor Zelfstandigen' (LVZ) defends the interests of self-employed, entrepreneurs, SMEs and liberal and intellectual professionals at all levels.
It has a branch in Brussels for both French- and Dutch-speaking members.
Its departement 'Doing business in Europe' provides information to entrepreneurs over European subisidies and the necessary procedures.

LVZ Brussels
Boulevard Adolphe Max 108/15, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 219 55 16
Information Office SMEs : 
Boulevard d’Anvers 30, 1000 Brussels
Mobile phone: +32 (0)475 773 921
Online: Opens in new (NL)

Syndicat des Indépendants et des PME (SDI)

The 'Syndicat des Indépendants et des PME' (SDI) is a totally apolitical interprofessional federative union for the self-employed and SMEs active throughout Belgium. The SDI is split into three sections: tradespeople and artisans, liberal and intellectual professionals, and SMEs.

Rue de la Presse, 4  -  1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 652 26 92
Email :
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Interprofessional Federation for the self-employed and entrepreneurs SDI

Interprofessional Federation for the self-employed and entrepreneurs SDI is a totally apolitical interprofessional federative union for the self-employed and SMEs active throughout Belgium. SDI is split into three sections: tradespeople and artisans, liberal and intellectual professionals, and SMEs.

Rue de la Presse 4, 1000 Bruxelles
Email :
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Syndicat Neutre pour Indépendants (SNI)

The 'Syndicat Neutre pour Indépendants' (SNI) represents the self-employed, liberal and intellectual professionals and SMEs throughout Belgium.

Square Sainctelette 11/12, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 217 29 28 - +32 (0)2 217 76 42
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Bodies for French speakers

Fédération nationale de l'Union des Classes moyennes (FNUCM)

The 'Union des Classes Moyennes' (UCM) is an interprofessional organization that defends the interests of the self-employed (SME directors, artisans, tradespeople, liberal professionals). It consists of professional bodies set up to defend the interests of a specific sector. The UCM also provides services to all these groups.

Brussels-Capital Office
Rue Colonel Bourg 123, 1140 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 743 83 80
Online: Opens in new (FR)

Union nationale des professions libérales et intellectuelles de Belgique (Unplib)

The 'Union nationale des professions libérales et intellectuelles de Belgique' (Unplib) is a body that represents liberal professionals in Belgium. It belongs to the group UCM.

Rue Colonel Bourg 123, 1140 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 743 83 83
Online: Opens in new (FR)

Bodies for Dutch speakers

Unie van Zelfstandige Ondernemers (Unizo)

Unizo represents self-employed businesspeople in the Flemish and Brussels-Capital Regions. Its members are active in trade, distribution, manufacturing, transformation and services as well as the liberal professions.

Rue de Spa 8, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 238 05 24
Online: Opens in new (NL)

Brussel Federatie voor Vrije en Intellectuele Beroepen (FVIB)

The FVIB represents the liberal and intellectual professionals within Unizo.

Rue de Spa 8, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 238 05 04
Online: Opens in new (NL)

Accreditation of social enterprises

Does your company, cooperative or organisation have a democratic governance structure and do you limit the redistribution of profits? Then you can apply for accreditation with Brussels Economy and Employment, as the Brussels-Capital Region supports social projects!
For your initiative to be accredited as a social enterprise, you must implement an economic project, pursue a social purpose and have a democratic governance structure.
In practice, this means that you must limit the redistribution of profits and comply with certain principles.
Social enterprises promoting vocational reintegration can apply for accreditation in order to receive funding.
More information: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Social economy

The Fédération Bruxelloise des organismes d'Insertion Socio-Professionnelle

The Fédération Bruxelloise des organismes d'Insertion Socio-Professionnelle (Brussels federation of social and job market integration agencies, FeBISP) is a rich source of essential information for employers with regard to social and job market integration and social economy integration.

Galerie Ravenstein, 3 box 4, 1000 Brussels
Phone: + 32 (0)2 537 72 04
Fax: + 32 (0)2 537 84 04
Online: Opens in new (FR)

Tracé Brussel asbl

Boulevard d'Anvers 26, 1000 Brussels
Phone: + 32 (0)2 412 02 85
Fax: + 32 (0)2 511 98 27
Online: Opens in new (NL)

Employment and training

Actiris, the Brussels regional employment office and as such responsible for implementing regional employment policy, offers specialist employment services and information to employers and jobseekers in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Tour Astro
Avenue de l'Astronomie 14, 1210 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 505 14 11 - (0)2 505 77 77
Fax: +32 (0)2 511 30 52
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)


Bruxelles Environnement

Bruxelles Environnement can answer all your questions about businesses’ environmental obligations, laws and regulations, regional assistance for energy-saving initiatives and sustainable investments.

Tour & Taxis
Avenue du Port 86C/3000, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 775 75 75
Fax: +32 (0)2 775 76 21
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL) provides free personalised support to businesses for all environmental questions (including permit types, establishment plans, regulations on water discharges, waste, air emissions and transport plan) in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Chaussée de Charleroi 110, 1060 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 422 00 20
Online: Opens in new

Export accompanies Brussels-based companies looking to export abroad. It supports export companies in entering new markets and organises joint economic missions, coaching and various events relating to exports. provides advice about markets, training, subsidies or contacts with partners abroad.

Chaussée de Charleroi 110, 1060 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 422 00 20
Online: Opens in new

Guichets d'Economie Locale

The Guichets d'Economie Locale (GEL) are local economy units tasked with stimulating socially and economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods. They provide all businesses with information to help them bring their plans to fruition (business plan, financing, grants, regulations, training).

Guichet of Anderlecht

Rue du Chimiste 34-36, 1070 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 529 00 00
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Guichet of the City of Brussels

Rue d'Alost 7-11, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 213 37 64
Online: Opens in new

Guichet of Molenbeek

Rue Le Lorrain 110, 1080 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 410 01 13
Online: Opens in new (FR)

Guichet of Saint-Gilles

Rue Fernand Bernier, 15, 1060 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 537 44 44
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Guichet of Schaerbeek

Rue des Palais 44, 1030 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 215 73 29
Online: Opens in new (FR)

Foreign investment is a preferred partner for international companies looking to establish their activities in the capital of Europe. In addition to providing specific information, the agency also supports them in their strategic establishment in Brussels.

Chaussée de Charleroi 110, 1060 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 422 00 20
Online: Opens in new


The Bruxelles Mobilité website is the best place to go for mobility information and regulations for businesses.

Rue du Progrès, 80 box 1, 1030 Brussels
Phone: 0800 94 001 (free)
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL)

Research & Development

In the section 'Innovation and R&D' of this website you will find information on the bodies responsible for research and innovation in the Brussels Region.

Urban development

Direction de l'Urbanisme of

For information on the regulations governing occupation, conversion and use of buildings and sites in the Brussels-Capital Region, contact the Direction de l'Urbanisme of

Mont des Arts 10-13, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 432 83 00
Online: Opens in new (FR/NL) provides free personalised support to businesses for all urban planning questions (including assessing permit applications, office, car park and advertising regulations, procedures and recommendations) in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Chaussée de Charleroi 110, 1060 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 422 00 20
Online: Opens in new