Higher and university education
Medicine, law, electronics, literature, communications, art, architecture, hotel management, tourism, languages… The Brussels-Capital Region is home to five universities and around 25 higher education institutions.
ERIP is the Regional and Intercommunal Police College of the Brussels-Capital Region.
The calendar of higher education institutions and universities varies depending on the institution. However, studies...
The Brussels-Capital Region is home to five universities and around 25 higher education institutions, offering a wide...
More than one in four students (25 %) in the Brussels-Capital Region is enrolled at a higher education institution or a university. This percentage is considerably higher than the Belgian average, which is 15 %.
The central examining board enables students that have not followed or completed their secondary education to prepare for exams and obtain their diploma. Our dedicated page has more information on the central examining board.
See the dedicated page on scholarships and study grants in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Are you a student looking for a job? For practical information, see the 'Working as a student' page in the "Work and Enterprise" section.