Finding a business location in Brussels has full information on all offices, studios and workshops, warehouses and industrial sites, shops and business centres for sale and rent in the Region
Its External linkInventimmo service is specialised in business property in the Brussels Capital Region, with its own database.
If you’re interested in business centres and incubators, see the Finding the right location page in the Guide to businesspeople section.
The Port of Brussels
The External linkPort of Brussels is a good option for every business looking for a site with access to the water or involved in the logistics sector.
There are specific criteria and costs connected with setting up your business in Brussels, depending on the type of activity, the size of your investment and the knock-on effects for the Region’s economy, as well as the type of transport you use and the number of jobs you create.
Tax on office space and other communal taxes
Most communes impose a tax on floor space and other taxes on the use of certain equipment. The list of taxes is posted on the Communal taxes page elsewhere on this website.
Some communes also impose a surcharge on unoccupied office buildings. There is a move to more widespread use of this surcharge to force owners of unoccupied buildings to find a new use for their property.