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Debt mediation

You may be experiencing money problems. Perhaps your income is lower than your monthly outgoings. In some cases, you may be eligible to help from a debt mediation service.

Debt mediation has been recognised by the legislator since 1991. The law on consumer credit to protect consumers gave the Communities the possibility of approving specific institutions authorised to provide debt mediation services.

Debt mediation services can only be provided by the following people:

  • Designated parties:
    • lawyers
    • notaries
    • bailiffs
  • Registered parties:
    • public institutions (such as CPAS or the communes)
    • private institutions (such as NPOs)

Contact External linkthe CPAS in your commune (NL/FR) for the contact details of an approved debt mediation service in the Brussels-Capital Region. Some CPAS branches have also established an "energy" unit to specifically help Brussels households to pay their energy bills.

On the website of the Common Community Commission you can find the External linkdebt mediation services in Brussels (FR/NL).

The aim of External linkObservatoire du Crédit et de l'Endettement (FR/NL) is to promote different ways of thinking about and approaching credit and debt. Its website publishes the contact details of the debt mediation services provided by CPAS and other social institutions in the Brussels-Capital Region.