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Strengthen intersected work initiatives on work and training

To meet the training needs of job seekers and the staffing needs of employers, we give political priority to a strategy around training and work (Objective 2.3_ Regions and Communities).

Promote interaction between public employment and training bodies to optimise, simplify, facilitate and increase the range of services adapted to the needs and expectations of jobseekers, companies and workers.

Based on the evaluation of the 2020 training plan, a strategy around training and work will be outlined to effectively meet the training needs of jobseekers so that they can secure a foothold in the labour market, meet employers' staffing needs and respond to the issue of bottleneck occupations.

Training and work strategy

To this end, the Government intends to make the policy approach around work and training even more overarching by having the public employment and training operators work closely with each other and with these operators and the sectors.  In addition, the Region will make further efforts to support in-company training, with individual in-company vocational training (IBO) and work-linked learning and working in the first place. This kind of training promotes faster and more sustainable entry into the labour market.

Recovery and redevelopment plan

The COVID-19 crisis will significantly impact the labour market in the coming weeks/months. The unemployment rate in the Brussels Region will rise, partly due to the arrival of crisis-affected workers on the labour market and partly due to the contraction of the labour supply. The training supply should therefore be increased or reoriented to enable jobseekers to acquire or improve new skills. This reinforcement is possible thanks to the budget made available under the relaunch and redevelopment plan (RHP) approved by the Brussels government in July 2020. 

At the same time, it is important that jobseekers who start training can complete it and do not have to stop for financial reasons. Therefore, the training allowance will be increased to 2 euros per training hour pending training income.

Who is leading the effort?

Shared priority

  • Initiating Minister(s): Minister for Employment and Vocational Training.

  • Associate Minister(s): Minister-President; State Secretary for Economic Transition and Scientific Research; Minister for Climate Transition, Environment and Energy; Minister for Finance, Budget, Public Service, Promotion of Multilingualism and Image of Brussels.

  • Partners: Actiris, BEW, Brupartners, Bruxelles Formation, Febisp, Tracé, VDAB Brussels, Syntra, SFPME, network of CEFAs, View, Consortium de validation des compétences, Instance Bassin EFE, Banspa.

  • Steering Committee: Actiris, BEW, Brupartners, Bruxelles Formation, VDAB Brussels,, SFPME, Febisp and Tracé. 

Discover the commitments of the Region and the Communities

    1. Sectoral framework agreements and creation of training and employment poles

    Establish the poles for which there is a sectoral agreement.

    Concluding new framework agreements, especially in the sustainable food, non-profit, and service voucher sectors.

    Establish work-environment alliances, especially in the construction sector.

    Leading authority: Minister of Employment and Vocational Training in consultation with the Minister of Climate Transition, Environment, Energy and Participatory Democracy for work-environment alliances.

    2. Strategy on training and work

    Review of the 2020 training plan.  

    Approval of the strategy around training and work. This strategy will aim to give the inhabitants of the Region, and in particular jobseekers, the opportunity to acquire the skills required in the metropolitan labour market.

    Creation of an inter-federal action plan to reduce the number of unfilled jobs.

    Leading authority: Minister of Employment and Vocational Training.

    3. Promote alternate learning and working and in-house vocational training

    Guarantee the same rights for apprentices as trainees in vocational training.

    Review the measures relating to individual vocational training in the enterprise (IBO) and alternate learning and working.

    Extend and revalue the financial support for the premium intended for young people engaged in alternate learning and working and the premium granted to companies (mentoring premium).

    Leading authority: Minister of Work and Vocational Training.

    4. Promoting multilingualism

    From a commitment to multilingualism, strengthen language learning.

    Develop and strengthen the language training offer within a coherent network around a Language Center (Talenpunt).

    Encourage employers to include their employees' language training in their training policies.

    Leading authority: Minister of Work and Vocational Training in consultation with the Minister of Multilingualism.

    5. Outplacement and retraining of workers

    Establishment of reconversion cells or similar facilities to provide retraining for workers who have been victims of bankruptcy, closure or collective dismissal.

    RHP: implementation and follow-up of the Relief Fund pilot project for counselling workers who have become bankruptcy victims.

    Leading authority: Minister of Work and Vocational Training.

    6. Reorganising local employment facilities

    Reorganise local employment facilities to adapt them to current realities.

    Reform the local employment agency (PWA) system.

    Examine and establish a local inter-professional consultation body to replace all other local bodies.

    Leading authority: Minister of Work and Vocational Training, Minister of Local Government.

    7. RHP: Strengthening the training offer

    Strengthen the training offer, both for jobseekers and workers in temporary unemployment.

    Implement the indexation of the training allowance to increase it to €2 per training hour performed and continue discussions on training income with the federal government.

    Leading authority: Minister of Employment and Vocational Training.

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