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Supporting Sectors with Job Potential

The Brussels-Capital Region is committed to supporting the economy in sectors that provide quality jobs to the people of Brussels. Through ten policy commitments, it aims to achieve the objectives outlined in the Go4Brussels strategic multi-year plan (Objective 1.4_Region).

The government will continue to support the Brussels economy in sectors with significant job potential for our region, whether in terms of activity volumes and jobs, positive development, and opportunities for Brussels workers or in terms of economic transition, strategic choices for Brussels, and the evolution of Brussels' demography. The goal is to anticipate the development and transformations in promising sectors for the Brussels economy and support them to promote the creation and/or preservation of jobs in Brussels (Objective 1.4). 

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the government will primarily focus on the sectors most severely affected by the crisis and pay special attention to economic activities closely related to the rest of the economic activity in favour of the region and those contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable economy. 

  • Hospitality (restaurants and accommodations) 
  • Arts, entertainment, and recreation sector 
  • The tourism sector broadly associated with these two activities 
  • The construction sector, including sustainable building renovations 
  • Large and small-scale retail, taking into account variations in specific activities 
  • Administrative and support services, including the cleaning sector 
  • Transportation and storage, including urban logistics and, especially, last-mile logistics, with offerings from carbon-neutral logistics companies and shared storage capacity in the city 
  • Human health care and social well-being 

 To achieve this objective (1.4), the initiatives will align with other goals of the strategy for these sectors. 

Who is leading the effort?

Consulted priority 

  • Lead Minister: Minister-President  
  • Associated Minister(s): Minister for Employment, Minister of Mobility, Public Works, and Traffic Safety, Minister of Climate Transition, Environment, and Energy; Secretary of State for Economic Transition and Scientific Research  
  • Partners: Brupartners (sectoral facilitators), sectoral representatives  
  • Organisations that are members of the steering committee: Brupartners (sectoral facilitators), sectoral representatives 

1. Accelerating the digital economy

See also: Objective 1.8 - Policy commitment:  ‘External linkAccelerating the Digital Economy’  

2. Creative, cultural, and audiovisual industry

Increase support for through a management agreement to ensure a structuring effect for the creative industry and the audiovisual sector. 

Strengthen synergies between the four operators of through the establishment of a joint strategic steering committee. 

Structure a competitiveness cluster with other regions. 

Leading authorities: 

  • Minister responsible for digitisation 
  • Secretary of State for Economic Transition and Scientific Research

3. Tourism, culture, events, and heritage professions

Develop sustainable tourism. Strengthen as the priority entity for promoting and organising events for the region and the 19 municipalities. 

Strategy to support and attract fairs and conventions that align with the region's profile, positioning it as an indispensable destination for the MICE sector (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions). 

Promote Brussels through a city marketing policy coordinated at, focusing on Brussels' appeal as a destination for recreation and national and international events on one hand and as an ideal living place for the middle class and students. 

Strengthen Brussels' international role as the political and institutional capital of the European Union and as a welcoming destination for associations and individuals working in that context. 

Leading authorities: 

  • Minister-President 
  • Secretary of State for Economic Transition 
  • Secretary of State for Urban Planning and Heritage, European and International Relations, and Foreign Trade 

4. Well-being and health

We prioritise the same objectives for well-being and health as for the other initiatives. 

Leading authority: 

  • Minister for Employment 
  • Secretary of State for Economic Transition and Scientific Research 

5. Urban industry

As in Objective 1.2 - Policy commitment: External linkDevelop a Brussels industrial project aligned with economic transformation

Leading Authority:

  • Minister-President 
  • Secretary of State for Economic Transition and Scientific Research 

6. Transport and logistics

Leading authorities: 

  • Minister-President 
  • Minister responsible for Employment 
  • Secretary of State for Economic Transition 

7. Food professions: hospitality and food industry

 Leading authorities: 

  • Minister-President 
  • Minister for Employment 

8. Construction

Continue implementing the actions outlined in the sectoral framework agreement, especially for establishing the PWO. 

Promote the sector of sustainable and circular construction, particularly its international aspect. 

 Explore the possibility of creating a cluster related to the urban development hub in the Tour & Taxis area. 

Leading authorities:

  • Minister-President 
  • Minister for Environment 
  • Secretary of State for Economic Transition and Scientific Research 
  • Secretary of State for Urban Planning and Heritage, European and International Relations, and Foreign Trade 

9. Wholesale and Retail

See also: Objective 1.2 - Policy commitment: External linkDevelop an integrated trade and craft policy to provide high-quality and sustainable local trade to the people of Brussels

Leading authority: Secretary of State for Economic Transition 

10. Administrative & support services, including the cleaning sector

See also: Objective 2.2 - Policy commitment: "External linkEnsure the continued existence of the services voucher sector."

Leading authority: Minister for Employment 

Go4Brussels 2030 strategie meerjarenplan