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Go4Brussels 2030: Strategic Multi-Year Plan

With Go4Brussels 2030, we have developed a strategy to foster sustainable and harmonious development in our region and assist Brussels in its transition to a sustainable economy. This page does not exist in English, find below the text in Dutch.

Strategy for a more sustainable and social Brussels

How do we ensure a sustainable and economic, social and environmental transition? How do we guarantee an optimal healthcare and social system? And how do we rethink spatial planning so that our city offers its residents what they need: mobility, housing,economic activities, green spaces and leisure infrastructure? 
The Go4Brussels 2030 strategy serves as a guide to our political priorities. Now and in the coming years, these provide the impetus to improve your quality of life together, encourage innovations, strengthen social cohesion and protect the environment.

Sustainable economy and climate as a priority

Strategy Go4Brussels 2030 aims to fully commit to a transition to a sustainable, socially healthy and climate-neutral economy. It aims to support the purchasing power and functioning of the public and private sectors by safeguarding the employment of Brussels residents and rethinking models of urban development, production, consumption and solidarity to make them more resilient and sustainable. 

To meet these challenges and respond to the impact of the corona crisis, the Brussels government entered into consultations with the communities and Brupartners and bundled its strategic objectives in the policy plan: Go4Brussels 2030.

Go4Brussels 2030: shouldering the burden of socio-economic transition

The S2030 strategy is based on two main principles. These serve as a guide to transforming the Brussels Region into a more sustainable and resilient economy and more inclusive community

  • Sustainable economic transition. We want to promote the transition to a climate-friendly, sustainable economy and decarbonise all sectors. Therefore, we support sectors that focus on circular and regenerative economy, social and democratic entrepreneurship and the digitalisation of the economy. 
  • Employment and training. We want to improve the training rate of job seekers and reorient the training offer so that it would best meet the needs of enterprises.

Multiannual strategic plan: evolution and follow-up

The 2019-2024 coalition agreement laid the foundations for the Go4Brussels 2030 Strategy. That policy plan builds on the Brussels Government's previous multi-year plan, Go4Brussels 2025. 

As a result of the corona crisis, Go4Brussels 2030 was recently updated. It takes into account the socio-economic, territorial and ecological situation in the Brussels Region during and after the corona crisis. The plan also now takes into account recovery projects of the Brussels Government and the Brussels Region's contribution to the national recovery and resilience plan.

Partner-centred approach and annual consultations

The Go4Brussels 2030 Strategy (hereinafter S2030) signed on 16 January 2020 is the fifth socio-economic agreement reached through a large-scale consultation with Brupartners. This consultation body brings together the representatives of the representative organisations of employers, the middle class, employers of the social-profit sector and employees of the Brussels-Capital Region. Consultations were also held with the Flemish and French-speaking communities on certain topics.

Implementation, evaluation and follow-up of S2030

Several mechanisms are provided for the implementation, evaluation and follow-up of the objectives. 

  • The implementation is done by partners from the public and private sectors, 
  • The evaluation of the measures is the responsibility of the Brussels Institute for Statistics and Analysis (BISA) 
  • The administrative and operational follow-up is in the hands of the Cell Supporting Government Plans of the Brussels Regional Public Service. 

At the annual Social Summit, the Brussels Government en Brupartners together take stock of the implemented objectives and set the priorities for the new year. 

Want to know more about the objectives and priorities of the Brussels Government, the Brussels-Capital Region and the Communities? Contact us or download the Go4Brussels strategic policy plan.

Discover the Go4Brussels 2030 strategy

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