The Sixth State Reform has redesigned the security architecture in the Brussels-Capital Region. Without altering the competences and prerogatives of the different levels of government (federal or local), the reform primarily resulted in entrusting significant responsibilities in the field of prevention and security to the Brussels-Capital Region. This page does not exist in English, find below the text in French.
The reform has also resulted in the abolition of the post of Governor of the Brussels-Capital administrative district, who now holds the title of "Senior Civil Servant", and the introduction of greater coordination between the various security players in Brussels.
In order to assume these new responsibilities, the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region has decided to set up a new Public Interest Organisation (OIP) called The creation of should enable the organisation of centralised, cross-sectoral management of security in Brussels, as well as the development of a regional policy on security.atière de sécurité.
More specifically, its tasks include
- Exercising the powers referred to in articles 128 and 129 of the provincial law, as well as the powers which, in the specific laws, are attributed to the Governor of the Province, unless the specific laws provide otherwise;
- Coordinating security policies and, within this framework, ensuring and coordinating the observation and recording of crime;
- Drawing up the regional security plan referred to in article 37bis of the law of 7 December 1998 organising an integrated police service, structured at two levels;
- Supervising the budgets of the police zones;
- Proposing a text harmonising police regulations, while respecting the specific characteristics of each municipality;
- Coordinating prevention policies; has drawn up the Global Security and Prevention Plan (PGSP). also coordinates its implementation by reporting on the measures carried out to the competent authorities, in particular the Regional Security Council (CORES) and the Brussels Government.
The PGSP is based on an ideal of close collaboration between the various players involved in security and prevention (field players, institutional players and organised civil society), ensures that the citizen is included as an integral part of maintaining a sense of security in Brussels and emphasises the proximity and accessibility of public services.
With a stated ambition to be cross-functional, the essential dynamic of the PGSP is the emergence of partnerships around the themes of prevention, security and crisis management.This plan paves the way for a new direction in safety in our region, thanks to the complementary nature of the measures and partners involved.
Legal texts
- External linkOrdonnance of 28 May 2015 creating a public interest body centralising the management of prevention and safety policy in the Brussels-Capital Region.
- External linkOrdonnance amending the ordonnance of May 28, 2015 creating a public interest body centralising the management of prevention and safety policy in the Brussels-Capital Region.