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Law of 21 August 1987 amending the law organising conurbations and federations of municipalities and laying down provisions relating to the Brussels Region (M.B. 26.09.87)

Article 27 of the law of 21.08.1987 establishes the "Centre d'Informatique pour la Région Bruxelloise" (IT Centre for the Brussels Region), which is responsible for all IT promotion and guidance tasks for local authorities. Assistance to local authorities may include in particular : 
drawing up master plans
audits, advice and assistance with acquisitions;
IT training for staff;
inventory of IT resources used in local authorities.

Decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 19 May 1994 on the promotion, distribution and service to users of the Brussels UrbIS®© product by the Centre d'Informatique pour la Région bruxelloise (M.B. 19.11.94)

This decree entrusts the Centre d'Informatique pour la Région Bruxelloise with all tasks relating to the promotion, distribution and service to users of the Brussels UrbIS®© product.

The Centre d'Informatique pour la Région Bruxelloise carries out this mission on behalf of the Brussels-Capital Region, which remains the owner of the Brussels UrbIS®© product.

Decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 4 July 1996 extending the tasks and services of the Computer Centre for the Brussels Region and setting new rates for the services offered as part of the task of promoting, distributing and serving users of the Brussels UrbIS®© product. (M.B. 12.12.96)

This decree sets the rates for the services offered as part of the mission of promoting, distributing and providing services to users of the Brussels UrbIS®© product by the Centre d'Informatique pour la Région bruxelloise (CIRB).

The CIRB is responsible for the following tasks and services : 
the licensed distribution of the Brussels UrbIS®© product;
distribution of the address recognition programme called "S.P.W.";
training in the use of the Brussels UrbIS®© product;
carrying out cartographic work, including the development of applications, the production of maps and the printing of background maps based on the Brussels UrbIS®© product.
The Brussels UrbIS®© product is distributed under licence by the CIRB under the conditions laid down in an agreement concluded between the user and the said Centre in accordance with the tariff established by Government decree.

Ministerial Decree of 25 April 1997 setting up an IT Steering Committee within the Ministry of the Brussels-Capital Region (M.B. 22.08.97).

An IT Steering Committee (CDI) is set up within the Ministry of the Brussels-Capital Region, made up of :

the Secretary General or his/her representative
the Deputy Secretary General or his/her representative
the 5 Deputy Directors General or their representatives;
the Inspector of the IT Department or his/her representative;
the Director General of the Centre d'Informatique pour la Région Bruxelloise or his representative;
a representative of the Minister for the Civil Service.

Decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 25 September 1997 (M.B. 21.01.98) laying down the scope of the mission of the Computer Centre for the Brussels Region and the charges for the services provided in the context of Internet distribution to public authorities.

The CIRB is the regional body recognised as an Internet Provider for all public bodies in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Within this framework, the CIRB offers all the current services accessible on the Internet. These services are made available to users under an agreement. The purpose of this agreement is to organise and set the conditions of use and access to the Internet.

The CIRB is also the Region's official representative on the web.

Decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region 17 December 1998

Some of the documents are not available in this language. You can find them below in the available languages.

Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale 17 décembre 1998 relatif au Comité de Suivi des services de télécommunications à large bande de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale 17 December 1998 - Decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region on the Monitoring Committee for broadband

Some of the documents are not available in this language. You can find them below in the available languages.

Order of 20 May 1999 (M.B. 29.07.99)

Article 27 of the law of 21 August 1987 has been substantially amended. The scope of the Centre's activities has been extended to include ministerial cabinets, the Ministry of the Brussels-Capital Region and the pararegions, as well as the French Community Commission, the Vlaamse Gemeenschap Commissie and the Joint Community Commission and their departments, subject to the agreement of their respective bodies. The Centre's tasks also include training, assistance with IT and telematics services and the implementation and monitoring of IT, telematics, cartographic and telecommunications projects.
The Centre is also empowered to participate in and coordinate regional action at federal, international and European level with a view to promoting the region's scientific and technical potential. In order to carry out these tasks, the Centre may enter into agreements and/or partnerships with public or private legal entities.

Ministerial circular of 27 June 2001 on the implementation of the decision of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 11 January 2001 on the action programme for the introduction of new information technologies at the Ministry of the Brussels-Capital Region, in the public interest bodies of the Brussels-Capital Region and in the Government departments. (unpublished)

The Centre has three strategic missions:

a) Role of authority and influence

In order to guarantee social cohesion, which is in danger of being undermined by advances in information and telecommunication technologies, particularly with regard to the services provided by public administrations to citizens, the Centre will make recommendations designed to encourage changes in the working methods of public bodies and companies providing these technologies.

The Centre will devote a chapter in its Annual Report to these recommendations, which will also be the subject of a CIRB booklet that will be widely distributed.

b) Promotion

On behalf of the Government, the CIRB plays a permanent role in promoting and showcasing new information and communication technologies.
Within the framework of the order relating to the Centre's missions, it is involved in European projects for the launch of new projects with demonstration value. It will take part in all promotional activities depending on the budgetary resources available.

c) Watchdog role

This involves in-depth knowledge and constant observation of technical, socio-economic and legal developments in the field, including comparisons with other regions and member countries of the European Union.
The Centre will report annually to the Government in its annual report on this monitoring activity.

The CIRB is a service centre: it acts as a service centre on behalf of the Government for the institutions covered by the framework agreement.

The Government also entrusts the IT Centre with address filtering, the operation of proxi-servers and, more generally, the management of firewalls.

In this context, the Centre will assume responsibility for regional recognition of electronic signatures and will accredit regional and communal officials with electronic signatures under the federal law on the activities of providers of certification services for the use of electronic signatures.

It is with this in mind that the CIRB is carrying out its mission of deploying e-government in the Brussels-Capital Region.