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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage


Iriscare is a bi-communal public interest organization, unique point of contact for citizens en professionals for all matters relating to social protection in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Iriscare is responsible for assisting the elderly and people with disabilities, rest homes and nursing homes, reception centres, home help services, wheelchairs, primary care ... in the Brussels-Capital Region.

From 1 January 2020 onwards, Iriscare is responsible for the management of child benefits and manages Famiris (FR/NL), the new Brussels public child benefits agency.

The role of Iriscare

Iriscare wants to be an accessible point of contact for all residents of the Brussels-Capital Region, whether citizens or professionals, young or old...

  • Iriscare manages the politics and funding of the health sector in the Brussels-Capital Region. More specifically, Iriscare is responsible for the recognition and funding of nursing homes, institutions for persons with disabilities, functional rehabilitation agreements but also for the funding of Protected Housing Initiatives and Psychiatric Homes.
  • Iriscare manages the policy and funding of assistance initiatives and, in particular, support for the elderly or persons with disabilities. This may range from home care to child benefits and to institutions for persons with disabilities, mobility aids but also the allowance for the elderly.
  • Iriscare manages and funds health insurance agencies and child benefit agencies in the Brussels-Capital Region.
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