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Secretary of State for Equal Opportunities

To meet the major challenges facing the Brussels Region, whether they relate to diversity, gender equality, the fight against racism, the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people, accessibility or the battle against violence against women, the equal opportunities policy makes it possible to develop awareness-raising, training and educational initiatives, as well as support for civil society.

Taking a cross-cutting approach, known as mainstreaming equal opportunities, this action is based on seven pillars:

  1. The implementation of six regional action plans translating the mainstreaming of equal opportunities into concrete actions, including actions to correct existing inequalities, prevention and awareness-raising;
  2. Support for civil society through the implementation of the Ordinance of 23 December 2022 on the subsidisation of projects promoting equal opportunities in the Brussels-Capital Region, in order to support associations working alongside single-parent families, women, people with disabilities, people who are victims of discrimination or racism, and LGBTQIA+ people;
  3. Close cooperation and adequate funding for Unia and the Institute for Gender Equality;
  4. Strong involvement of civil society, in particular through the Brussels Council for Equality between Women and Men, the Brussels Council for People with Disabilities and the Brussels Council for the Elimination of Racism, and their adequate funding;
  5. Bringing together and consolidating anti-discrimination legislation in the first-ever Brussels code on equality, non-discrimination and the promotion of diversity;
  6. Implementing legislation on gender mainstreaming, gender budgeting and handistreaming.
  7. Support for the integration of equal opportunities into regional policies: regional committee for equal opportunities, equal opportunities test, training and study matrix. 

This work is carried out in close consultation with Opens in new, the administration that implements the equal opportunities policy within the Brussels Regional Public Service (