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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage


With the ambitious "Regional Web Strategy" project, the Brussels Capital Region is redefining and streamlining its web landscape, and launching a new-generation portal that will centralise and structure the information contained on over 200 of the Region's websites, using modern interfaces to guarantee accessibility, clarity and reliability of information.

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The objective is clear: to highlight the information users are looking for, rather than the services offered by a regional administration.

The portal's first thematic family, "About the Region", provides up-to-date information on the composition, governance and organization of the Brussels-Capital Region.

The contents of the other twelve thematic families will be updated gradually over the next few launches (“Assistance, Social, Health”, “Urban development”, “Employment”, etc.). Next step: the launch of the thematic families "Housing" and "Transport and mobility" is planned soon.

The main objectives of the Regional Web Strategy are:

  • to ensure that users who consult the websites of the Brussels regional public authorities can easily find centralized, clear, accessible and up-to-date information in modern, user-friendly interfaces and which comply with the European directives on website accessibility;
  • to aim for a high level of harmonisation, in terms of visuals and interface, between the websites of the different public institutions, while respecting a coherent regional identity;
  • to avoid redundant web investments across different administrations, by highlighting opportunities for cost-sharing;
  • to reduce the number of regional websites;
  • to ensure that the Brussels Region complies with its obligations under the External linkEuropean “Single Digital Gateway” Regulation;
  • to improve the image of Brussels as more modern, more efficient, more in tune with users’ needs.

The Region would like to extend its warmest thanks to all the administrations that have actively participated in the development of this first version of the regional portal. Their invaluable contribution was a vital component in the progress of this ambitious project.

The Regional Web Strategy project was coordinated by Paradigm and