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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Studies and analyses

The different administrations of the Brussels-Capital Region carry out various studies and analyses on a wide range of subjects. You can consult the results on the websites of the Institut Bruxellois de Statistique et d’Analyse (IBSA) and the Bibliothèque du Savoir Public (BSP).

The Brussels Institute for Statistics and Analysis (BISA)

The Brussels Institute for Statistics and Analysis (BISA) provides the general public with a wide range of information, including figures and thematic publications. 

Bibliothèque du Savoir Public (BSP)

The BSP, or the Bibliothèque du Savoir Public, publishes studies commissioned by the different administrations of the Region.

Spending reviews

Spending reviews are public policy assessments carried out by administrative working groups and resulting in a report with concrete and documented proposals for reforms, including their financial implications and their impact on the policy goals.