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Project call Be Talky

At the initiative of Minister Sven Gatz, responsible for the promotion of multilingualism in the Brussels Region, the Brussels Government together with the Brussels Employers' Organisation BECI is launching the project call ' 2022-2023'.

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At the initiative of Minister Sven Gatz, responsible for the promotion of multilingualism in the Brussels Region, the Brussels Government together with the Brussels Employers' Organisation BECI is launching the project call ' 2022-2023'.

The call for projects is addressed to companies, enterprises and the self-employed who promote multilingualism in the workplace. The project call has a budget of 200.000 € for the budget year 2022. Organisations can apply for up to 30.000 €.

Multilingualism is very important for the business world. It is a fact that companies without a sufficient number of multilingual employees lose markets and are less competitive. Language skills of employees are indispensable.

Hence this call for projects to encourage companies to submit projects to promote multilingualism in the workplace.

Projects must be submitted by 30 June 2022. In July and August 2022, a jury will examine the projects submitted. The projects will start from 5 September 2022.

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